Dr Dawn Carnes Director NCOR Senior Research Fellow BSc (Hons) Human Psychology, BSc (Hons) Osteopathy, D.O. Ph.D (Chronic musculoskeletal pain) Centre for Primary Care and Public Health
Funding for NCOR is gratefully received from: The Osteopathic Education Institutions The Osteopathic Education Foundation General Osteopathic Council British Osteopathic Association
Our aim: To advance, facilitate and disseminate osteopathic, and osteopathic relevant research to promote good and safe practice to optimise patient care.
NCOR 3 year strategic plan May 2012 – April 2015 Objectives
Strategic leadership Advocacy Research capacity and capability Information provision Liaison and promotion Research Governance Generation of funding
Strategic Priorities Short term: Re-organisation of NCOR Secure a PhD The research priorities consensus study (commissioned and conducted independently by Brighton University) Website development
Strategic Priorities Short to medium term: Implementing data collection Collecting patient reported outcomes Adverse events learning platform (practitioners and patients)
Strategic Priorities Ongoing: Liaison and collaboration Dissemination of current research Generating funding Providing advice and guidance
Strategic Priorities Longer term: Advisory service to improve standards of research Generating income
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NCOR as a resource for: Osteopathic education institutions and governing bodies Student osteopaths Practising osteopaths Osteopathic tutors Interested patients, members of the public Other manual therapists International research community
NCOR as a resource The Website, window to the world of research Research sound bites Master classes power-points and presentations Multi-media Database of relevant research Data collection platform for osteopaths (scope of practice) Data collection platform for patient reported outcomes and satisfaction Skilling up the profession Research governance (standards of practice) and advice to guide researchers Conduct facilitate new research
The new website: Social and multi media facilities available Please join us on twitter and facebook
Current NCOR projects Research dissemination, multimedia PROMS data collection Adverse events learning platforms Establishing international research networks Database of evidence Database of relevant osteopathic research
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