PROJECT SELECTION (NEW INSTALLATIONS) 1.PRIORITIES SET FORTH IN THE MASTER SIDEWALK PLAN Identifies High Priority Corridors and Areas 2.COORDINATION WITH DEVELOPMENTS New Subdivisions Commercial Multidwelling Residential Single Dwelling Residential 3.RESPONSIVE TO NEIGHBORHOOD PLANS 4.ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION PLANS 5.IN ASSOCIATION WITH OTHER PROJECTS Street Reconstructions Sewer and/or Water project that result in total street replacement 6.OTHER City Council requests Other citizen group requests REPLACEMENTS AND UPGRADE 7.CITIZEN COMPLIANTS 8.COURT ORDER/LAWSUITS 9.ADA REQUIREMENTS
PROJECT CREATION 1.IDENTIFY SCOPE Size of project Staff time, contractor availability) Linear Corridor or Grid Area Other infrastructure work needed such as utility work 2.CREATE BASE MAPS Map of all affected properties * 3.CREATE PRELIMINARY DESIGN Determine road widths Sidewalk Location Impact on roadway and adjacent properties 4.DEVELOP COST ESTIMATES For project budget For each property * * needed for individual assessments not needed if there is other funding
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION IF INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENTS ARE USED (WEEKS FOR EACH TASK) 1.Property research (2-4) 2.Notice Letters to each property owner (2) Cost estimates Meeting Dates Preliminary Plans 3.Onsite Meetings with property owners (4) 4.Pubic Meetings (City Council) (2-4) 5.Approval from City Council (1-4) 6.Order letters to each property owner (1) 7.Select Design Engineer (3-4) 8.City Council to Approve Engineer (2) 9.Survey and final design (4-8) 10.Prepare Plans and Bid Documents (2-4) 11.Bid Project (3) 12.Second Notice Letter (2) Revised Estimate Based on Bids 13.City Council for bid award (2-3) 14.Confirmation Order Letter (2) TOTAL TIME FOR (32-51) THIS PROCESS IF OTHER FUNDING IS USED WITH NO ASSESSMENTS THE PROCESS COULD BE REDUCED BY WEEKS. IF FEDERAL FUNDS ARE USED TYPICALLY ADD AT LEAST 2 MONTHS TO SEVERAL YEARS
CONSTRUCTION (WEEKS FOR EACH TASK) 1.Complete contracts (1-2) 2.Engineering staking etc (1-2) 3.Actual Construction (3-24) 4.Complete Final inspections and walk through (1-3) 5.Closeout project (2-4) 6.Measure the amount of work for each property * (2-4) 7.Send Letters to Property Owners * (2-4) Give Final Costs Review finance options Property owners must reply regarding, options selected. * needed for individual assessments not needed if there is other funding
FUNDING 1.ASSESSMENT TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Most common funding Accessed for only the work that took place on the public right-of- way adjacent to their property including 10-20% administration and engineering costs Assessments range from $100 to $20,000 for residential areas Average Assessment $6,600 Annual Assessments total $750,000 to $2 million Typical projects include paving, drainage, utilities, ADA, curbs and sidewalk. Typically the property owners only pay for the costs directly associated with the installation of the curb and sidewalk, which is approximately 20-40% of the entire cost of the project.
OPTIONS FOR PAYMENT 1.Pay Cash (billed by City) 2.Assessment to property (property owner selects term) 8 year 12 year 20 year (default if no response received from property owner) 3.Defer a portion of the payments Cost over $6,000 can be deferred for any property owner until property changes ownership Must be owner occupied single family units Interest is accrued on remaining principle 4.Defer entire payment Defer all payments until property changes ownership Property Owner must meet certain income guidelines Must be owner occupied single family units Interest is accrued on remaining principle
ALTERNATIVE FUNDING 1.CTEP (Community Transportation Enhancement Program, Federal Aid) City is typically awarded $330,000 annually Very competitive Process very time consuming Projects with CTEP typically take nearly twice as much staff time as assessments alone Covers only sidewalk and not curbs, drainage, or paving Because it is federal money the engineering costs are much higher raising the costs of the work by 20-40% Not a consistent source of funds Works best on very large projects when combined with other funding. 2.CDBG (Community Development Block Grants, Federal Aid) Limited to low income owner occupied single dwelling units Very Competitive Time consuming income surveys, applications and contracts required Projects with CDBG typically take nearly twice as much staff time as assessments alone Often combined with assessments 3.Road Maintenance District Presently $60,000 set aside for assistance with ADA improvements Higher set aside or increased District fees would reduce assessments but not increase productivity Set aside high enough to cover all assessment costs would increase productivity significantly with existing staff. Increased District Fees has equity issues with those who are presently paying off sidewalk assessments 4.Area wide Special Improvement Districts Defining areas difficult More time consuming then direct assessments Majority protest can stop the project Has equity issues with those who are presently paying off sidewalks 5.Other Possible Funding Sources Local Option Gas Tax Sidewalk Maintenance District General Fund
SOME NUMBERS Center Line Miles of Streets in Missoula258 Double for potential curb and sidewalk locations516 Existing miles of Sidewalks345 Missing miles of Sidewalks 170 Install 170 Miles at $175,000/mile $30 million Existing Miles of Curbing370 Missing Miles of Curbing144 Install 144 Miles at $120,000/mile $17 million Paving and drainage improvements $30 million Miles of deteriorated and hazardous sidewalk 45 Replace 40 miles at $200,000/mile $ 9 million Miles of deteriorated curb to replace 60 Replace 60 miles at $150,000 $ 9 million ADA ramps needed 8,000 Install 8,000 ramps at $700/ea $ 5 million Total $ 100 million