Music Service Reorganisation Proposals Staff Meeting 26 th May 2016
Background to Proposals Reorganisation in 2012 – loose ends Separation of delivery and commissioning in 2013 Changing demand for music education Uncertainty over Arts Council grant Increasing demands on grant to achieve music for all in county Preparing GM for a different future
Funding DFE/ACE Grant GCC / MMG Music Hub Covering strategic commissioning and operational support Gloucestershire Music The largest delivery partner delivering on multiple NPME Core / Extension Roles and other non NPME areas Other music delivery partners Who also deliver on NPME Core / Extension Roles
Preparing for the future Lisa Mayo Head of Gloucestershire Music
Drivers for Change To clarify and focus management roles in order to maximise impact of these positions between all of our stakeholders To provide a simpler structure with roles which deal with more defined responsibilities Focus on building revenue through increased community participation in musical activities and membership to groups as well as developing avenues into different funding streams To simplify WCET Tutors/CMG Tutors/CMG Directors pay and profiles to avoid continued complicated administration and aid flexibility of deployment
Drivers for Change To make our structure more sustainable and focused Our current structure is no longer affordable with legacy management costs, which are very expensive. Job profiles are not in line with the roles being performed in some areas and so clarity of responsibilities are necessary and will help to make GM as efficient as possible. To continue to meet the changing needs of business With the retirement of one of the Management Team it is timely to reorganise the roles of Managers and ensure that we are clearly driving the main areas of our business and building capacity to devise effective revenue building avenues for the future. Clearer and more flexible staffing structure To consolidate different tutor roles and provide better clarity, flexibility and simplicity for staff. Bring us in line with other local authorities for tutor pay rates We are reviewing the market rate supplement to ensure that whilst reflecting the market it also remains affordable to safeguard the service for the future.
Current Structure
Proposed Changes It is proposed that the following posts are deleted and in the ring fence: Area Manager Assistant Head of Service Business Manager The proposed new posts are: Extended Learning and Provisions Manager This post will focus on leading and growing our range of music centres, groups and ensembles. It will also lead on providing high quality performance opportunities for children & young people Music Service Schools Manager This post will lead work in schools, namely whole class tuition and growing opportunities to support music in schools through new business Business Manager This post will provide the business and financial support required by GM. It will also focus on developing the need for financial growth GM to grow as well as providing some support to the council in administering the Arts Grant
Proposed Changes The following posts will be standardised and placed in one job profile: WCET Tutors / CMG Tutors / CMG Directors GM Music Tutor – this will harmonise pay and conditions for both grades and gives the council the flexibility to deploy staff where they are needed. The new role has been evaluated at Grade J. Recent national research published by ISM (and from additional research undertaken) the average pay for music tutors outside of London is between £25 - £30 GM Music Tutors - protected pay rate of £27.50 per hour The following posts will be renamed and have minor changes to the job profile: CMG Directors GM Music Tutor with group responsibility– the role has also been evaluated at Grade J but in recognition of the additional preparation time needed in this role you will be paid for an additional 0.5 hours for each 2 hour session you run. Therefore a protected hourly rate will be £34.37 Both groups will still be subject to a market rate supplement in order to reflect the market, as shown here. Further details of this will be published once the MRS has been agreed.
Proposed Changes The following roles will be unaffected in this current restructure: Colwell Centre Manager Administration roles Instrumental Technician roles Music Centre Directors
Proposed Structure Please note: The Forest of Dean Area Wind Band is not a designated Music Centre.
What Happens Next Commissioning & contracting for 2016/17 continues Consultation to 24 th June. Feedback to: Offer of one to one meetings Reflection on feedback from consultation Publication of final structures and job profiles Allocation & selection process (June/July 2016) New structures in place from September/October 2016
Help & Support Available You can speak to your line manager Unions (Unite, GMB, Unison) briefed Access to Employee Assistance Programme Information on Staffnet Extra; The login is: Username: GMUSIC (not case sensitive) Password: StaffordSmith (case sensitive)