London College of Fashion Unit Title Managing Fashion Projects Tutors:Frances Ross/Rachel Smart/Bethan Alexander/ Sun Jenkyn-Jones Project:Casual, Sportswear. Gyms, Leisure for the fashion conscious working woman Group 4:Taoran Zheng/ Yin Ching Ng/ Danjie Hu
2.The market for attractive sportswear Sportswear: is it really used for sport? ‘Women probably prefer them due to their adaptability, comfort and practicality as items of everyday clothing ’ “We know that the proportion of product bought for active sports use is less than 15%. We tried doing performance sportswear like gymwear and it really died a death. I think people are more interested in looking good. Given our demographics as a mail order company, sportswear is a large part of people’s wardrobe and statistically you are more likely to get them watching TV rather than practising sport. Sporting activity doesn’t really help us sell sportswear.”– Buying director, mail order group Customer Profile -working women -age 25~45. -Financially independent, socially active, care about fashion beauty, most significantly they in pursuit of healthy lifestyle. A new attitude and behaviour of wearing sportswear of nowadays busy working women. Sportswhere-Sportswear wearing anywhere
The Products model wearing will be displayed after she finish the exercise Style advisor educated women sportswear nowadays could wear to many occasion. Sportswear looks good with to mix and match and remain its comfort and style.