Senior Management Briefing
Children’s Division 0-19 Vision and the Children’s Division Business Plan Nicky Adamson-Young – Children’s and Families Divisional Director and Strategic Lead for Safeguarding
Our aim: To provide a service which enables children, young people and their families to stay safe, be healthy and achieve their full potential from 0-19 years
Our Vision To provide the best children’s services in Hampshire. By: Helping children and young people lead good and healthy lifestyles, so that they stay healthy and grow into healthy and happy adults. Offering the best support for children young people and families who need extra support to stay healthy Protecting children and young people by helping them to stay safe Continuously working to improve our services by listening to what children and families want To become an Integrated Children’s services division
Our strategic aims: To work together to offer the best help and care for Children and Families To increase the number of qualified Health Visitors To listen and respond to children, young people and families and involve them in future planning to help improve our services. To provide an excellent Healthy Child Programme 0-19 to all our children, young people and families To ensure that all services offered are right for the child and provided using evidence based care and are of a high quality and standard To work with partner agencies to assist and support children with additional and complex health needs To liaise with other professionals, to ensure we provide integrated Childrens services By using an integrated pathway approach to improve transition from child to adult services if they have additional health needs By making sure our staff have the right skills and training to allow them to do their job safely, effectively and efficiently By providing services that respect and take notice of children and families
Quality and Governance Liz Taylor – Clinical Service Lead
Quality and Governance Quality strategy Organisational learning strategy Nursing AHP Clinical strategy behaviours –Engaged staff –Identification of risk –Clear direction action plan –What are the benefits/gaps? –Share learning Challenge assurance and innovation pathway continuous improvement
Quality and Governance Triangulation risk: Data; Brusing; Maternity; Waiting times; capacity expectation Innovation: LEAN; Evidence Based Practice; PROM outcomes Service improvements: Action Plans Assurance: CQC; Self Assessment; The How, What, Why and When
Safeguarding Caz Maclean – Children’s Safeguarding Lead
What’s new? SPOC – single point of contact Supervision Hubs Integrated Level 2 Safeguarding Training Review of Bruising Protocol
Involvement in MASH – Multi-Agency safeguarding Hub Corporate Safeguarding – “Think Family” team to respond as a whole including to Independent Management Reviews/ Serious Case Review. For the future…..
Operational 0-19 pathway Ginny Taylor – Operational Service Lead
Health Visiting Service - Highlights Final phase of Call to Action Over 160 SCPHN trained Over 20 external qualified HV’s recruited Improved compliance, patient experience and quality of service offered Innovation and service developments – champion roles Implementation of ASQ and Promotional Guide – audits planned Partnership work – CC’s Strengthening Partnerships tool; GP links; midwifery liaison
School Nursing Service - Highlights Commissioning now with LA refocus public health service delivery to HCP – 5-19 Review of service moving to planned tender 2014 Health questionnaires - work with RiO to improve data collection and reporting Record management - clinical safety improved through HV transfer and archiving process Quality service improvements – training for schools; medicines management; competencies Patient experience development for children and young people Focus on information flow from external sources – work to improve quality and reduce risk and workload
Children’s Therapies Katie Linaker – Children’s Therapy Manager
Children’s Therapy Delivery Single point of access Children’s centre focused delivery in early years Reduction in school age referrals Care plans linked to care pathways and outcomes
Integrated Partnership Working
Any Questions?