This is the Home Page, enter your username and password
Click On login and proceed
A pop up would come for digital signature process, click on Ok and proceed
Select the certificate and then click on Ok to Proceed
This is the Activity Calender. All the tasks can be seen here. Click on Continue and Proceed
This is the Dashboard showing all the task details. For sending mails to other users in the department
Click on this link to start the tender creation procedure
This is the first screen that appears, fill in the details as required
Choose the required date and time
After filling in the details,click on save Tender details and proceed
This is the second screen that appears,click on Add/Edit items to fill in the details about the sub works
Fill in the information and then click on Add Sub work.
To fill in the details for the second sub work,repeat the same procedure again
Both the sub works have been added. Click on Add BOQ and proceed
After filling in all the details,click on save
BOQ details are added successfully for the first sub work
Repeat the same procedure to add the details for the next item
Preview of the items added
Green color indicates that the information in Add and Edit items is completely filled
Fill in the tender terms and conditions and then click on save and continue
The green color indicates that terms and conditions field is completely filled.Click on Tender Stages to Proceed
Enter the stage name e.g “Technical Bid” and provide information about the dates and then click on create stage
First stage is created.Repeat the same steps to create more stages.
Setting the evaluation dependency means that the evaluation for the stage being created will take place only after the evaluation of the previous stage
Click on the action button to attach the forms that need to be filled by the suppliers
Select the forms that needs to be attached in the technical stage
Click on the action button for the preview of the form
This is how the bid security forms appear
Select the forms that need to be attached and then click on save and continue
Click on the action button to mention the documents to be submitted by the bidder
Click on save and continue to proceed
Click on save and continue and proceed after selecting forms.
Repeat the same steps for adding the forms for the financial bid
Select the form that need to be attached in the financial bid
This is how the form appears for the item rate, click on close and proceed
This is how the form appears for the percentage rate
Click on save and continue and proceed
Mention the documents to be submitted by the bidder
Click on save and continue to proceed
Click on previous and proceed
Click on tender document and attach the tender document file
Click on browse and select the file from the system that need to be attached
Select the digital certificate from the window and then click on OK
The tender document file is attached, click on continue to proceed
Green color indicates that all the fields are completely filled, click on continue to proceed
This is how the screen appears if you want to copy from any previous tender, click on select and then click on copy selected tender and proceed
Click on Continue to proceed
Put on the comments and then click on submit for approval
Click on OK and proceed
After clicking on Ok, the tender would be sent to the higher official for publishing
The approving official needs to login
Click ok to continue
Click on the tender that needs to be approved
Click this key to upload your Digital certificate
Click here to attach the certificate
Choose your Digital Certificate and click ok to continue
Type your comments here and click on Publish Tender