Primary Network Thursday 1 st October :15-12:00 Dr Ruth Illman – Principal Educational Psychologist Tim Mellors – Advisory Officer - Behaviour
Session Outline Presentation – ‘Steps and Stages in Social and Emotional Development and Self Regulation’ - Dr Ruth Illman Behaviour Toolkit - online Signposted Resources - online Training Opportunities Establishing the Networks – sharing good practice / identifying needs / future development Boxall Profile AOB
What is it? It is a document: To support pupil progress To support pupil and staff well being and to empower To meet with guidance set out in the Code of Practice, Local Offer and Graduated Approach To provide a clear and structured approach with step by step guidance To support high quality teaching To ensure access to support is clear, equitable and based upon a cycle of evidence gathering and review
How do we find it? Google search – ‘North Lincs Local Offer’ Select - SEND Local Offer North Lincolnshire Select - Training and Development The Behaviour Toolkit – Guidance for Schools – full download Sections – Guidance fo Schools, Signposting, Five Step Interventions, The Assessment Tool, Classroom Environment Audit, Round Robin.
Where next? Schools to use the toolkit when supporting SEBD children and young people Follow the step by step guidance with your behaviour team Utilise the signposted resources – IBP’s / PHP’s Hold meetings and revise plans – evidencing the two cycles of review Feedback – through Behaviour Network Groups &
Training Opportunities Behaviour & EP Teams Behaviour Management ‘Reflective Staff Meeting’ model Positive Language Mindfulness Relaxation – for pupils and staff Behaviour Toolkit Indivudual Behaviour Plans and Positive Handling Plans Team Teach 6hr & 12hr Foundation & 3hr Refresher Boxall Profiles Attachment Theory
Establishing the Networks 1.Fold card in half. Write school name on one side. Prop card on desk. 2. Arrange yourselves in the network / cluster groups (use sheets if necessary). Add a secondary school 3. Complete the network / cluster group pro-forma.
Boxall Profile
How does it work?
Boxall Profile - Strategies Name:……………………………… (Boxall Completed on: …………………………) Suggested Strategies: Prepare for changes in routine/member of staff well in advance – to lessen anxiety. Be mindful that introducing a different member of staff within the classroom (even if he/she is already known to ………………….., may have an unsettling effect on him/her). Visual timetable/weekly/daily diary displayed. Develop consistent structure and routine with limits and boundaries and clear consequences
Boxall Strategies Maintain a calm and consistent response – do not ‘react’ Encourage eye contact before giving short, precise instructions Circle Time activities, with individual attention and interaction and for alternative suggestions for resolving conflict situations such as restorative practice Give individual positive attention – tentative approach to befriend (encourages feelings of safety) – ensuring a trusting 1-1 relationship first
Boxall Strategies Develop positive adult-child relationships consistently modelled with commentary (describing what we’re doing and why, how it makes us feel etc.) to help ………………………better understand his/her emotions Ensure individual positive attention to search for and celebrate ………………… interests and strengths
A.O.B. Feeling loved Feeling satisfied Feeling confused Feeling detached Feeling secure Feeling sad Feeling connected Feeling angry Feeling joyful Am I safe? Am I loved? Can I do things for myself Am I capable? Am I noursished? Do I belong? Am I respected? Do I have power? Am I secure? Am I included? Are my thoughts valued? Am I understood? Do I matter?
Thank You See you at some of the Network Meetings or before!