Assignment 3: Exploring psychological factors
P6 = Describe the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance. M3 = Explain the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance. D2 = Analyse the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance.
Motivation is the external stimulus and internal mechanisms which arouse and direct our behaviour. I think motivation is the amount of dedication and commitment we have to certain situations is daily life. There are 2 categories related to motivation: Intrinsic: Is the ability to partake in activities for the challenge and enjoyment they provide. Extrinsic: Is when you take part in sports activities just for the rewards (e.g. Praise, trophies, medals, prize money etc). Sports performers need to have a balance of both types of motivation. Too many extrinsic rewards can reduce a persons intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is needed is performers want to train over the long term for there sport or reach excellence level.
Arousal is the increased state of readiness of a sports performer in preparation for the performance or activity. To perform well, it is important that arousal levels are maintained at an optimal level. I think arousal is the state of mind in which a performer is in when getting ready to play sport. You can be under or over aroused depending on how excited you are about a sporting event or competition. Being under or over aroused can affect your performance in terms of not being ‘in the zone’ or ‘away with the fairies’. Anxiety is a negative emotional feeling that occurs when arousal levels are too high and the sports performer starts to feel threatened by the situation or fears that they will fail. I think anxiety is the fear or worry that occurs when in a difficult situation during a match or sports competition. For example, the fear a goalkeeper will have in football or hockey when the opposition is awarded a penalty.
Drive theory sees the relationship between arousal and performance as linear: As arousal increases so does the level of performance. According to inverted-U theory, as arousal level increases, so does the level of performance – but only to an optimum point, which usually occurs at moderate arousal levels. After this point the performance decreases as participants can become anxious if they are over aroused.
There are 2 main types of anxiety, state and trait: State Anxiety is a type of anxiety that can occur when a performer is placed in a constantly changing situation. A sprinter may become anxious just before the start of a race as they are waiting for the starter’s orders. Anxiety will reduce when the sprinter hears ‘on your marks’ as this is an indication that the race is going to start. 100m final line up – Berlin 2009 A performer can experience somatic and cognitive anxiety during this period. Somatic anxiety is how the body responds to the sports situation. A performer experiencing somatic anxiety can have a range of symptoms including increase HR and breathing rate, and they may feel physically sick. Cognitive anxiety is the performers general nervousness about the situation they are experiencing and their ability to perform well. Cognitive anxiety can reduce concentration levels
Trait Anxiety relates to the characteristics of a sports performer, making them react to a certain situation in a specific way. Arousal levels need to be kept at optimal (desirable) levels so the sports performer can perform well. Failure to do so can cause anxiety and affect the performer’s concentration levels and ability to make decisions. Anxiety questionnaires can be completed to determine a performer’s level of self confidence or tension in sporting situations. Novak Djokovic breaks racquet Personality is the unique characteristics or traits of a person, which determine behaviour. I think personality is the certain behaviour of a person and this links in with the way in which they cope with every day situations. Everybody has individual characteristics that make up their personality.
Personality is unique to an individual, and sports performers should be aware of how their own personality could affect sports training and performance. Personality type can be determined by using a questionnaire. Sports coaches should treat performers differently according to their personality type and appropriate steps can be taken by the performer to prevent performance from being affected or hindered. There are 2 main personality types: Introvert - Quiet, controlled, careful, sometimes moody. Often prefer individual sports. Extrovert - Outgoing, loud, carefree, optimistic, active. Often prefer team sports. Write down an example of a sports performer who is more of an introvert and example of a sports performer who is more of an extrovert – say why you think this.
Concentration is the ability of a sports performer to process information and maintain focus. I think concentration is the way in which we stay centred in order to develop knowledge and understanding of a specific topic or subject. To process information, a sports performer has to make sense of the information they are presented with and decide on the course of action to take. If a performer becomes overloaded with information it can negatively affect their performance.
Effects on Training FactorShort termLong term MotivationBetter performance in training and more likely to attend when motivation is high. High motivation leads to improved performance. Athlete achieves goals set. Poor motivation may lead to giving up. Arousal & Anxiety Need some level of arousal to be ready for the activity and perform well in training. Will be able to recognize symptoms of anxiety and learn how to control them. ConcentrationLearn to focus on key parts of performance. Become less distracted PersonalityIntroverts may be more focused. Extroverts may need to keep calmer in training and focus on improving their technique. Coaches need to channel their energy into a more productive use.
Effects on Performance FactorShort termLong term MotivationAthletes who are highly motivated have determination and are more likely to perform well. Arousal & Anxiety Moderate arousal is best for optimal performance. Too high – become anxious, negative thoughts, butterflies and poor performance. Too low – Not well prepared for the performance mentally. Controlling arousal levels leads to improved performance. Coach may use relaxation techniques and imagery to help control this and reduce the negative effects of anxiety. ConcentrationAble to focus n the event/ competition and perform well. Able to block out distractions, improving performance. Performance likely to flow without mistakes with good preparation. PersonalityIntroverts may be more likely to worry but will be well prepared for the performance. Extroverts will be willing to take a lead role, but have a tendency to get carried away in a competitive situation. Coach needs to know their performance to avoid over arousal.