In polite society, we’re not supposed to ask, but…


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Presentation transcript:

In polite society, we’re not supposed to ask, but…

“How old are you?” Some say, “You’re only as ‘old’ as you feel!” But because of the ravages of previous disease or decadence, some of us feel older than we actually are. “You’re only as ‘old’ as you act!” There is some merit in this, but immaturity usually makes those “old enough to know/act better” look ridiculous rather young, Titus 2:2-3.

“How old are you?” may not be an appropriate question for polite society, But it is for spiritual society! We are supposed to be born again, John 3:3; and, Thus become new creatures, 2Cor.5:17a… The old things having passed away, 2Cor.5:17b. Or at least that’s how things are supposed to work… Ephesians 4:17-32

So, I’ll ask again, “How old are you?” Ephesians 4:17-32 Notice the spiritual “old-age” characteristics: Walking as Gentiles- futility of mind, darkened understanding, excluded from the life of God, ignorance, hardness of heart, vv.17-18; Having become callous, given over to sensuality, practice of impurity with greediness, v.19; Refusal to lay aside old self with its corruption and lusts of deceit, v.22; and, Retention of falsehood, lingering anger, stealing, lack of benevolence, unwholesome and ungracious words, bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, and malice, vv

So, I’ll ask again, “How old are you?” Ephesians 4:17-32 Compare those to the spiritual “new-age” characteristics: Have learned Christ by hearing and teaching, vv.20-21; Laid aside the old self by renewal in the spirit of the mind, vv.22-23; Put on the new self by recreation in righteousness and holiness, v.24; Speak truth through mutual membership, v.25; Angry but w/o sin, industrious & self-sufficient, benevolent, speaks wholesome and edifying words, kind, tender- hearted, and forgiving, vv

In physical life, You really have no choice regarding your age: Barring premature death, everyone gets “old”! But in spiritual life, you have two choices: You can retain the old self, v.22; or, Be renewed to a new self, vv So, one more time… “How old are you?”