GROUP 4: ASSISTMENTS Glen Lovett, Andrew Hurle, Ian McNeil, Arben Koshi
This week What we are focusing on Assistments Rewards and feedback What we don’t want to do
What we want to do Describe improvements to feedback in Assistments Immediate feedback system using points Rewards Personal Assistant Avatar Specify rewards Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation
Point system Point values hidden from user Points are used to determine feedback Difficult question → Higher points → More praise The lower the knowledge of the student, the higher the points (Will also look at how other groups approach points)
Point Table Difficulty (0-1)Student Knowledge (0- 1) PointsFeedback 0110“Correct” or equivalent phrase “Correct” Moderate Praise High Praise 10100Highest Praise
Rewards conditionReward Every 600 pointsFree Hint Every 850 pointsRetry Problem 6 consecutive correct answersSkip a problem 3 passed assignmentsCertificate ed to parent ConditionReward Completed 5 assignmentsBadge Completed 1 classTrophy Account Rewards:
Personal Assistant Avatar Introduce a PAA (intrinsic/extrinsic motivation) Creates Proactive relationship (Relationship Framework, R.D. Jones) PAA can show interest and provide support Establish and communicate learning goals
Personal Assistant Avatars
Feedback Example: high Praise
Feedback Guidelines Praise students for their effort, not for some innate intelligence (Mueller and Dweck) Students who are praised for effort tend to challenge themselves, while students who are told they are smart have a high fear of failure
What we are not doing Not determining the subject matter This is up to individual teachers Not customizing the avatar Avatar is to make feedback/instruction more relatable Outside scope of what we are looking into
te%20paper.pdf (R.D. Jones) te%20paper.pdf bin/drupalm/system/files/Intelligence%20Praise%20Can%20Undermine%20 Motivation%20and%20Performance.pdf (Mueller and Dweck) bin/drupalm/system/files/Intelligence%20Praise%20Can%20Undermine%20 Motivation%20and%20Performance.pdf