OH WV VA PA NY ME NC SC GA TN KY IN MI WI MN IL LA TX OK ID NV OR WA CA AZ NM CO WY MT ND SD IA UT FL AR MO MS AL NE KS AK 21 States Have Signed Religious Freedom Restoration Acts Into Law STATE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION ACTSPRESENTATION CENTER Status of State Religious Freedom Restoration Acts March 25, 2016 | Christine Yan Source: National Conference of State Legislature, National Journal Research ■ No RFRA ■ Passed but not signed ■ RFRA signed into law HB 757 passed the Georgia legislature but has not yet been signed by the governor
OH WV VA PA NY ME NC SC GA TN KY IN MI WI MN IL LA TX OK ID NV OR WA CA AZ NM CO WY MT ND SD IA UT FL AR MO MS AL NE KS AK Anti-LGBTQ Bills Were Introduced in Most State Legislatures Last Year ANTI-LGBTQ STATE BILLSPRESENTATION CENTER Types of Anti-LGBTQ Bills Introduced in 2015 State Legislatures March 25, 2016 | Christine Yan Source: Human Rights Campaign, “Preview 2016 Pro-Equality and Anti-LGBT State and Local Legislation,” ■ Religious Refusals ■ Municipal Preemption Municipal preemption prevents cities from passing new LGBT anti-discriminatory ordinances and overturns any existing ones
OH WV VA PA NY ME NC SC GA TN KY IN MI WI MN IL LA TX OK ID NV OR WA CA AZ NM CO WY MT ND SD IA UT FL AR MO MS AL NE KS AK Most States Do Not Have LGBTQ Anti-Discrimination Protections STATE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWSPRESENTATION CENTER LGBTQ Anti-Discrimination Protections, by State March 25, 2016 | Christine Yan Source: German Lopez, “The growing controversy over Georgia’s Indiana-style religious freedom bill, explained,” Vox, March 25, ■ Protections for sexual orientation and gender identity ■ Protections for sexual orientation ■ No protections State anti- discrimination protections generally cover workplace, housing, and public accommodations
NC GA IN States Have Received Widespread Backlash and Criticism from Businesses for Recent Anti-LGBTQ Bills BACKLASH TO ANTI-LGBTQ BILLSPRESENTATION CENTER Notable Recent State Controversies over LBGTQ Discrimination Source: Amanda Terkel, “Mike Pence Signs Revised Indiana ‘Religious Freedom’ Law,” Huffington Post, April 3, 2015; Dominic Patten, “Netflix will ‘Move Our Productions’ Out Of Georgia If Anti-Gay Bill Becomes Law; Amblin Partners Also Urges Veto,” Deadline, March 24, 2016; Motoko Rich, “North Carolina Gay Bias Law Draws a Sharp Backlash,” New York Times, March 24, In March 2016, Gov. Pat McCrory signed into law a sweeping municipal preemption bill that eliminates LGBTQ anti-discrimination protections, receiving backlash from American Airlines, Apple, Dow Chemical, PayPal, Red Hat, and others. The law comes after a anti-discrimination ordinance passed in Charlotte in February that allowed transgender people to use bathrooms in accordance with their gender identity. In Feb 2016, the Georgia legislature passed a a RFRA, the First Amendment Defense Act, that would prohibit the government from bringing a civil suit to organizations accused of discrimination; the bill has not yet been signed by the governor Nathan Deal. Many TV/movie studios, networks, and cable companies including Disney, Netflix, CBS, and AMC have urged the governor to veto, and some have even threatened to stop filming in Georgia if the bill is signed into law. Governor Mike Pence signed into law a Religious Freedom Restoration Act in March 2015 and a subsequent revised version in April 2015 that specified that the law could not be used to discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity, in response to public backlash to the original version. March 25, 2016 | Christine Yan