WELCOME TO ART with Ms. Sweitzer
GOT RESPECT? 1.Respect Others 2.Respect Yourself 3.Respect Materials 4.Respect the Learning Process
Respect Others What is an example of how you could show respect towards another person?
RESPECT OTHERS Say “please” and “thank you” LISTEN let others share ideas support, encourage, and include others.
RESPECTING OTHERS LIKE… Your TEACHER! Show Respect by: Respecting my space Please do not touch or take items from my desk area. Listening when I am giving instructions NOT talking while I am talking
Respect Yourself How can you show respect to yourself?
RESPECT YOURSELF Your attitude towards yourself is the deciding factor on your success in whatever you do. Please do not put yourself down in this classroom. Comments like, “I’m horrible” or “ my art stinks” are prohibited. Those comments take little thought and are not helpful to the student or the teacher. If you are struggling with a skill or technique, try to think before you speak. Say something like, “ This still life drawing is really challenging, do you have any tips to help me improve”. This will let me know that you are really trying and have the attitude and openness to actually apply the technique tips you are given. If you RESPECT YOURSELF, I promise your art WILL improve!
Respecting Materials What is an example of how you can respect our materials in the art room?
RESPECTING MATERIALS To keep us all sane… 1. WALK to trash- NO BASKETS PLEASE! 2. Be gentle and careful with art materials. Misuse them, you lose them.
Respect the Learning Process How can you show respect to the process of learning?
RESPECTING THE LEARNING PROCESS *1 minute timer set for all students to be in seats and working on bell ringer. *Bell Ringers are worth 20 points each week.
RESPECTING LEARNING PROCESS There should not be ANY noise when raising hands! I will NOT call on you if I hear you.
LEARNING PROCESS CONTINUED…. PROBLEM SOLVE Ask a table partner Check your notes Look at examples Check the board
RESPECTING THE LEARNING PROCESS Accept the fact that YOU and everyone around you will make mistakes and have to work through them over and over again. Rarely do any artists get things perfect the first time. It doesn’t work like that.
Consequences for breaking a RESPECT rule…. 1 st Offense: Verbal Warning- binder entry 2 st Offense: Behavior card & meeting with Ms. Sweitzer 3 nd Offense: Behavior Card & Lunch Detention/Call Home 4 rd Offense: Office Referral * SEVERE OFFENSES will result in an IMMEDIATE office Intervention & referral.