Biology 3A Biology for Majors FALL 2015
About this course Biology 3A is the first in the three-course sequence designed for those majoring in the biological sciences, including pre-health professionals. This goal of this course is to introduce the student to the principles of life and life processes with an emphasis on cellular chemistry, cellular structure, bioenergetics, genetics, evolution and ecology of living organisms. Field trips are required to fulfill the objectives of the course.
Required Books and Supplies Biology (10th Ed.), Campbell & Reece, with Interactive CD A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology, Third Ed Karin Knisely –Please bring your textbook to lecture and lab, it will be referenced frequently. Reading the assignments prior to coming to class will greatly enhance your understand of the material. Labs are provided on the class website. They must be downloaded and printed before lab. Once again, you can find the class website at
THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES OR EXAMS! If there is a problem with the exam or quiz dates, see me well in advance so arrangements can be made. No guarantee is made regarding the availability of make- up. Exams and quizzes will be given at the beginning of class. –If you show up late, you will not be allowed to take the exam or quiz and it will be recorded as a zero. –Students who fail to take two exams should consider dropping the course. –All students must take the final.
Attendance Attendance at both lecture and lab is mandatory. Since many of the questions on the tests will come from the lecture material, it is critical that students attend all class meetings. If you must miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the notes from a fellow student. If your number of absences exceeds the number of hours the class meets in two weeks, the instructor may drop you from the course.
Remember: It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to drop themselves from the course.
Grading Your course grade will be based upon: Lecture Portion: –3 Lecture Exams (100 pts each) 300 pts –1 Final Exam 100 pts –Lecture Quizzes / Homework 50 pts – Total Lecture 450 pts
Lab Portion: 18 Lab Worksheets (10 pts each) 180 pts Scientific Paper “parts” 25 pts each) 150 pts –Introduction, Methods & Results, Conclusion, Ann. Bibliography Laboratory Papers –Animal Metabolism 50 pts –Protein Fingerprinting 75 pts Research Project –Project Proposal 25 pts –Peer Review25 pts –Lab Notebook25 pts –Project Status Report 20 pts –Project Presentation 500 pts –Research Paper 100 pts Total Lab 700 pts
Total lecture450 pts Total Lab700 pts Total possible for course:1150 pts
NOTE: In order to facilitate a more productive learning environment, points and assignments are subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.
Field Trips There will be at least one local field trip to an area close to campus to collect data. The trip will most likely be during class time.
Lab Clean Up It is your responsibility to clean up after yourselves in lab! It does not matter who makes the mess, please clean it up.
Reasonable Accommodation All reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate students with disabilities. It is your responsibility to provide documentation of your disability and resolve the appropriate accommodation(s) at the beginning of the semester. NO students may use dictionaries or electronic translation devices during lecture exams or quizzes, without prior permission of the instructor.
Beepers, Pagers or Cellular Phones These devices must be set on vibrate or another silent alert mode during class. Do not answer, text, send or receive any data during class! Students that disrupt the class with these devices will be asked to leave for that day and lose 10 points for each offense.
Student Learning Outcome – FALL 2015 Students completing the BIO3A will demonstrate the ability to understand and complete independent research, including appropriate statistical analyses in the area of general biology.
Math, Science, and Engineering Division Policy on Academic Integrity
BIO 210 Basics of Biology (A) 1.5 units 1330 – 1415 SM 313 on Tuesdays HS 105 on Thursdays