MHPP Forum James Shuttleworth Planning and Infrastructure Manager, MCC 9 December 2015 Greater Manchester Spatial Framework
10 authorities working together with business The heart of the north UK’s first Combined Authority & First Devolution Deal Centre of innovation, education, industry and culture Economic potential exceeds all other UK city regions 2.7million residents Background: Greater Manchester
Our priorities – quick summary Creating the conditions for growth Increasing productivity across GM A new relationship between citizens and the state GM Spatial Framework Clarity and agreement on the investment needed to accommodate and promote growth. Ensuring GM has the infrastructure to unlock our key housing and employment sites Driving higher level skills and higher levels of company growth, including changing the nature of work done in GM Integrated local services, ensuring GM residents are supported to take advantage of the opportunities growth brings GM Investment strategy Public Service Reform Place-based settlement GM STRATEGY Informed by a robust evidence base
power to create a statutory spatial framework for Greater Manchester - approved by a unanimous vote of the Mayor’s Cabinet power to introduce a GM Community Infrastructure Levy ability to create Mayoral Development Corporations/ compulsory purchase powers for the Mayor (in agreement with the leader of the Greater Manchester local authority in which it would have powers). related housing delivery powers, Housing Investment Fund, Land Commission business case for a ‘Land Programme’ GM Devolution – Strategic Planning Powers
Status A Joint Local Plan, will then become the statutory plan of GM Mayor – unanimous support of Cabinet Subject to independent examination Critical that it is evidence based The Purpose Identify and evidence the level, type and infrastructure requirements of growth, particular focus on housing/employment land Provide a basis for districts to progress local plans and strategies Meet legal requirements – duty to co-operate The Scope Recent Government announcements in Housing & Planning Bill – 2017 deadline for production of local plans may change the scope Balance between strategic and local issues Time period extends to 2035 GMSF : status, purpose and scope
Raising the quality of our places Make best use of our land resource to drive growth and increase productivity Identifying key physical infrastructure requirements to support growth in housing and employment, particularly in high growth, high productivity sectors Transforming social infrastructure provision to match demographic change and housing delivery Policy framework to influence quality and location of development Aims – more than a housing numbers game
What the vision means spatially and the principles which will underpin the GMSF, for example: Focus on key economic drivers but recognising the need to raise economic performance across the whole of GM Maximise ability to use sustainable modes of transport Protect and enhance important green infrastructure Address climate change Will lead to development of ‘Strategic Objectives’ against which the GMSF will be measured Strategic Objectives
Strategic growth options Option 1 – current ‘ policy on’ option – utilise existing land supply 7,300 homes pa Option 2 – Objectively Assessed Need 10,350 homes pa Option 3 – ‘Higher’ growth scenario – higher population growth drives further economic growth 16,000 homes pa
Accommodating growth Need to be available and deliverable sites necessary for us to deliver sound plan Prioritise brownfield land Exploring ways to increase densities on existing sites Re-allocation of obsolete employment sites Potential land supply gap
Call for additional development sites
Driving delivery GMSF identifies supply – supported by strategies/initiatives Residential Growth Strategy GM Place colleagues looking at public sector land/HIF Discussions with Government around mechanisms to bring forward brownfield land Investment Strategy Transport Strategy 2040
Manchester still at the core New supply may be more suburban, but conurbation core remains key location: –Investment – HS2, Northern Hub, commercial opportunities – approx. 15,000 more jobs by 2024 in the City Centre –Demographics and population growth – younger population, focus for immigrants –Demand for urban living still growing
Next Steps Consultation closes 11 January Analysis of responses – district input Report back to Scrutiny – March/April Draft plan – October/November 2016 Publication of Plan – July 2017