Mrs. Forvour and Mrs. Schumacher
Morning -Guided Reading -Writers Workshop -Readers Workshop -Independent Reading -Specials -Snack Afternoon -Lunch -Recess -Calendar -Math -Social Studies/Science -Art/Developmental Centers
Cheers! Songs Counting Date Coins Patterning Graphing Word of the Week Counting Jar Attendance Stick
Interactive Writing Journals Writers Workshop Readers Workshop Guided Reading Groups Reading Notebooks Read to Self
Blended Math Approach - Number Recognition and Number Sense - Counting to Patterning - Sorting - Collecting Data/ Graphing - Problem Solving - Measurement/ Time/ Temperature/ Length and Weight - Fractions - Addition and Subtraction - Money * Math Workshop
Bears Geoblocks Color Tiles Pattern Blocks Links Unifix Cubes Buttons Snacks
School Beginnings Cultures and Traditions Famous People Past and Present Holidays Our History Community Helpers Economics Maps (U.S.A. and Virginia)
Four Seasons Weather Plant and Animal Life Cycles Matter Light/Shadows Five Senses Magnets Recycle/Reuse
Quality Student Kangaroo Chart- BE SAFE! Marble Jar Treasure Basket Celebrations of Success Parent Contact/ PRIDE Forms
PALS- Fall/Spring DRA Quarterly Math and Language Arts Assessments Sight Word Checks
Purpose- builds responsibility and independence (Homework Folder) Read every night for minutes October/ once a week (starts mid-Oct.) January/ twice a week Reading Envelopes and Reading Notebook Weekend Buddy Review and practice self help and hygiene skills
Interims- sent home halfway through grading period Report Cards- sent home every nine weeks Grading System: S+, S, S-, N Sign and Return Conferences in November 2nd & 3rd
Name picked out of a box randomly Every student will get a turn Helper Cheer name/sing song Simple poster, completed questionnaire, and favorite book from home Class book
Helps students to speak in sentences Introduces them to public speaking Monthly calendar sent home to show each student’s turn Bring it the next day if they forget
RAZ-Kids Scholastic Book Orders Class Website Lunch Money ( Weather Alerts Birthdays Snacks
Forms are on the tables outside our classrooms Conferences in November Scheduled time: 20 minutes Volunteers Giving Tree (on the door in the back of the room)