REAL Success Assuring the success of returning wounded and injured servicemembers and their families Veterans’ Employment & Training Service Office of Disability Employment Policy
Overview 1.Overview of the REALifelines Program 2.Program Mechanics – Referral Process 3.Main Resources 4.REALifelines FL 5.Future Direction and Discussion
REAL ifelines R ecovery & E mployment A ssistance L ifelines
Overview The program seeks to support the economic recovery and reemployment of transitioning wounded and injured service members and their families by identifying barriers to employment or reemployment and addressing those needs.
Program Mission “If you have been wounded or injured serving this nation, real people are going to meet you face-to-face with the personalized help that you may need to recover and to succeed in a career that you love.” Secretary Elaine L. Chao To the soldiers and families at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, October 4, 2004
Program Purpose “This program seeks to support the economic recovery and reemployment of transitioning wounded and injured service members and their families by identifying barriers to employment or reemployment and addressing those needs.” Daniel Nichols, Veterans’ Employment & Training Service, USDOL
Program Goals Professional, personalized intervention for service members and their families during recovery and rehabilitation. Early access to job and career service professionals in their home towns prior to and upon discharge.
Who do we serve? Population: (All Medical Discharge) 3,000 Very Severely Injured 35,000 Wounded/Injured Present Cases: 116 What do we track?: Family unit no longer has employment & Training needs No closed Cases
Mechanics I Direct early intervention prior to discharge Gateway to Labor systems and services Identify individual and family economic, career and training needs Beginning of case management process
Present Locations Walter Reed Army Medical Center National Naval Medical Center (Bethesda) Brooke Army Medical Center Madigan Army Medical Center * Expanding to integrate outreach to Community Based Health Care Organizations…Navy Hospitals
Mechanics II National referral to local services Direct job matching and employer recruitment
Local Connections Florida Federal REALifelines Coordinator DVET Derek Taylor (850)
Local Connections REALifelines relays servicemember information through the DVET to the state. In Best Cases – the State identifies a single coordinator to monitor action and provide follow-up to DVET Information provided will include case work to date and contact information. Each referral should be fully case- managed.
Mechanics III Increasing opportunities to ensure success
Help for You There are 2 dedicated call centers available to you and to servicemembers. Military Severely Injured Center Job Accommodation Network
Military Severely Injured Center Operated by the Department of Defense International supportive services referral Will assist with all military, benefits, pay, counseling and other supportive services For Servicemembers, Veterans and Families only
Job Accommodation Assure your success Help plan solutions around the whole person and the family Work with employers to develop accommodation solutions Identify local resources to facilitate workplace accommodations
Primary Clients: Service Providers / Employers Problem Solving Refer Supportive Services issues Service Provision Follow-up Primary clients: Servicemembers and families Case Management Refer Employment and Reemployment issues Client Follow-up Responsibilities
Establishing a State Initiative
REALifelines KY Designate a REALifelines coordinator. Get training on workplace effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Brush-up Case Management Skills Support each Hire by educating employers Begin to identify employers seeking to hire wounded / injured
REALifelines KY II Coordinate with HireVetsFirst Campaign Assure Coverage of Medical Holding Companies and Community Based HealthCare Organizations – We can Supply Develop state policy for enrollment and reporting
Reaching Out Veterans’ Employment & Training Service Office of Disability Employment Policy
We have found that… these men and women and their families need to know they’re the first priority; they like to know their sacrifices and their service to our country is appreciated; their rehabilitation and treatment schedules must be acknowledged; their physical relocation from place to place needs to be tracked; and, documentation is needed on services provided and placements achieved in each location where they are served.
We have also found that… no individual can satisfy all a person’s needs on their own; referrals solely to a web page, to a brochure, or to a workstation are not good enough service; the service member’s barriers and needs should be clearly determined; the best way to ensure success is for everyone to be apprised of case progress; expect a phone call; and, no professional should ever be reluctant to ask for help…
Initial Questions How much case work has been completed? – Job Offers? Case File? How much time do you have? – When will service member be discharged? What specific assistance do your clients need? – Training? Referrals? Accommodation?
Understanding the need What are their Career Aspirations – training / education plans? Interest in federal employment? Knowledge of VA Vocational Rehabilitation benefits? Intended geographic destination and contact information? Interest in state workforce system enrollment?
Understanding… Previous employment status? Interest in Transition Assistance Program attendance? Interest in national resume distribution? Perceived barriers to economic success? Specific services and assistance desired? Interest in future follow-up and program enrollment?
What to ask… (some answers) What are your Career Aspirations – training / education obtained and planned? Interest in federal employment? Knowledge of VA Vocational Rehabilitation benefits? Intended geographic destination and contact information? Interest in State workforce system enrollment?
Also find out… (other info points) Previous employment/current economic status? Interest in Transition Assistance Program attendance? Interest in national resume distribution? Perceived barriers to economic success? Specific services and assistance desired? Interest in future follow-up and program enrollment?
Topics to Cover Federal Hiring Authorities for Disabled Veterans Introduction to the One Stop Career Center System Introduction to the role of DVOP / LVER and Federal VETS staff. New Federal HireVetsFirst Campaign – Toll Free Assistance numbers!
Recent Developments Joint Federal Database with DoD. Integration with HireVetsFirst national campaign. Joint Job Fairs – 14 Annual at VA / DoD treatment facilities MACTOOLS – Tools and Franchise offers 35 Confirmed Resolutions (50-60 estimated)
Nearing Completion Enrollment Forms in OMB Clearance (Sept. – initial use) Web-based assistance tool (November 2005) - REALifelines user interface for Disabled Vets Web-Based Profile matching system (2006)
New Initiatives National Expansion Programs Federal / Private sector enrollment program 1.One to One matching for career support during transition 2.Entrepreneurship and career exploration focus Federal Intern-to-hire training program 1.Federal hiring and placement program 2.Awaiting Federal Legislation