Food Groups Big D Digest It Be Excrete Nutrition
Tomato, Lettuce, Apple, Orange
What are Fruits and Vegetables
Fish, Eggs, Beans, Steak
What are Meat Products
Noodles, Rice, Crackers, Bread
What are Breads and Cereals
Cheese, Yogurt, Cream, Milk
What are Milk Products
All the different nutrients your body needs, in the right amounts, make up this.
What is a balanced diet
Digestion starts here
What is the mouth
Organs in your mouth that chew food
What are teeth
A juice made in your mouth
What is saliva
A tube that connects the mouth to the stomach
What is Esophagus
A long coiled tube where the main part of digestion takes place
What is the Small Intestine
Organ that removes water from undigested food
What is the Large Intestine
Pear-shaped organ of your digestive system
What is the stomach
Thick liquid that food turns into in your stomach
What is chyme
Tiny fingerlike parts that line the walls of your small intestine
What are villi
Squeezing action that moves food through your digestive system
What is Peristalsis
Group of organs that helps your body get rid of wastes
What is Excretory System
Liquid made up of cell wastes and extra water
What is Urine
Baglike organ that holds urine
What is your Bladder
Organs that strains cell wastes from the blood
What is Kidney
Tube that carries urine out of the body
What is Urethra
Nutrients that help you use other nutrients
What are Vitamins
These give your body energy
What are Carbohydrates
A nutrient in meats that help your body build muscle tissue
What is protein
Two kinds of carbohydrates are…
What are Sugar and Starch
The body stores this for extra energy
What is fat