What is ICT? ICT stands for Information and Comunication Technology. ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form.
History of ICT-before : Antonio Meucci invented the telephone. 1945: John von Neuman with other scientist created the first computer. 1969: The government of the USA opened ARPANET.
History of ICT- From 1990 to today: PCs and Operating Systems
1990: Windows 3.0 (Microsoft) System 7 (Apple) Screenshot of System 7Screenshot of Windows 3
Software Grafical Interface Programs and Functions
History of ICT- From 1990 to today: Internet
1991: Tim Berners Lee invented the WorldWideWeb (WWW), and in 1994 he founded the W3C (WWWConsortium)
1994 Search Engines: Web Browser E-commerce web site:
1999 to today Music sharing (1999) On-line encyclopedia (2001) Skype (2002) Maps and StreetView (2005) …and so on…
History of ICT- From 1990 to today: Mobile Phones
1991: GSM 1992: SMS
1998: First mobile phone without antenna 1999: First mobile phone with Internet access 2002: First mobile phone with camera
2002 to today