2 nd Grade, National Geographic
Predicting the Weather: Clouds – Pages 30-31
Brain Pop - Clouds
Create It! - Clouds (Use blue paper and cotton balls.) Cirrus Thin & wispy White Pleasant weather Cumulonimbus Dark Tall Rainy or stormy weather Stratus Flat Dark Rain or snow Cumulus Puffy White Pleasant weather
Using Weather Tools – Pages 32-35
Brain Pop – Natural Disasters
Changes in One Day – Pages 36-37
Brain Pop – Thunderstorms Science Notebooks: List at least 3 interesting facts about thunderstorms. Draw a picture of a thunderstorm.
Brain Pop – Hurricanes Science Notebooks: List at least 3 interesting facts about hurricanes. Draw a picture of a hurricane.
Brain Pop – Tornadoes Science Notebooks: List at least 3 interesting facts about tornadoes. Draw a picture of a tornado.
Be Prepared – Pages 38-39
Science Notebooks:Severe Weather Safety Four Sections: tornado, hurricane, lightning storm, blizzard Write/draw how to stay safe during each form of severe weather List items to keep in an emergency kit.