T EACHERS USE MUSIC WITH YOUNG CHILDREN FOR SEVERAL PURPOSES : To provide an opportunity to learn and use language. To provide a pleasant background for playing, eating and sleeping. To build a sense of community. To release tension and energy, and to calm angry feelings. To express feelings through movement and dance. To make learning fun To teach listening skills.
To teach differences in sounds. To develop an understanding of musical concepts, including loud-soft, high-low, fast-slow, up-down. To develop an appreciation of different cultural backgrounds.
M ORE ON M USIC ….. Music is a form of communication. Music can be used to teach children language skills. Music experiences can help children build positive self-concepts. The music area shouldn’t be located in small corner of the classroom.
Music experiences don’t always have to be structured. Children respond better to musical directions rather than spoken words. The best songs for young children have a strongly defined mood or rhythm.
Adding new words to a known melody is an easy way to make a song. When teaching songs, break it down into verses.
E XPRESS YOUR CREATIVITY *** In your group, brainstorm a list of items that could be used to make instruments: