Chapter 17 Part 2
Divided into two sub-periods: Early Baroque Late Baroque
The main purpose of Baroque music was to move the listener by using different emotions. How did composers do this? Terrace dynamics: layered dynamic levels within a piece. Some voices loud, some voices soft at the same time. Dramatic tempo changes Each section, or movement, of a piece maintained a single mood throughout.
Opera made its first appearance around Composers wanted to recognize solo voices rather than keeping all of the voices equally busy. This let to simplified instrumental accompaniment to support the voice. Continuo: an accompaniment consisting of a harpsichord sounding the chords and a low stringed instrument reinforcing the bass line. Recitative and aria was created at this time.
Orfeo by Claudio Monteverdi Written in 1607 Tells of Orpheus’ descent into the underworld to retrieve his dead bride Eurydice. Mr. Runyan will explain the rest of the story. The opera utilizes recitatives, arias, madrigals, and orchestral music. Listen #7
Later Baroque composers continued to develop the use of counterpoint and intricate melodic combinations. Fugue: a polyphonic composition consisting of a series of successive melody imitations. Like a fancy round (row your boat on steroids). There is a subject (main theme) followed by and answer (imitation of the subject in a different voice). rpQ2eWY rpQ2eWY
A turning point in Baroque music came in 1722 when Jean-Philippe Rameau published Treatise on Harmony, which established rules of harmonization. Baroque composers now began to think in terms of chords and harmony, not just melodies. Listen #9
The Baroque period was the age of great string music. Many new forms of instrumental music were invented. Concerto: A musical form where solo parts alternate with a group of instruments. The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi HPRi0ZeXE HPRi0ZeXE Concerto for Two Trumpets in C by Vivaldi dwzgjPVHI dwzgjPVHI