Composing a melody - Motif 3 Jinpei, the Swallow Jinpei ( 甚平 ) was also an orphan, and grew up with Jun. He is the youngest member of the team and lives in Snack Bar J with Jun. The melody needs to have features of his character so I will need to think about which instrument I will choose, the pitch and the note lengths.
1. Add a new instrument – I wanted a cool electronic sound for Jinpei as he is the youngest and probably really into technology. I looked in Synths for this type of sound and went through all the Synth Leads as this category is always best for melody
2. Create a blank part the same length as your loop. Leave the loop playing from now on. When you put in the melody you can hear what it sounds like as you go. This way you can delete notes or rearrange them until you are happy.
3. Input the notes – to make the melody fit the chord Am I am choosing A,C & E again. I am using short notes and not leaving any gaps so that as soon as one finishes the next starts. With so many notes crammed in it makes the melody very busy just like Jinpei the Swallow. ADVANCED COMPOSITION: I am using a very wide range of notes (from A1 up to C5) and large interval leaps to represent Jinpei flying quickly up and down in an almost unpredictable way.