Currents variability on the northern Patagonia continental shelf Alberto R. Piola Daniel Valla Depto. Oceanografía SHN y Depto Cs. Atmósfera y los Océanos, FCEN-UBA UBACyT X176
Motivations Motivations Instruments & data Instruments & data Preliminary results Preliminary results Summary Summary Outline
Lights over the Patagonian shelf break generated by squid fishing vesselsMotivaciónAnálisisEventos particularesConclusiones Summer values of surface chlorophyll-a derived from SeaWiFS in the Patagonia region (after Matano y Palma 2008) MotivationsInstruments & dataAnalysis & resultsSummary
Schematic representation of the development of shelfbreak upwelling (after Matano y Palma 2008)MotivaciónInstrumentalAnálisisEventos particularesConclusiones T/ t + V h T + w T/ z + Q = 0 Local changes Horizontal advection Vertical advection Heat fluxes Nitrate polynomial regression based on 976 in situ observations. (after Signorini et al., 2009). MotivationsInstruments & dataAnalysis & resultsSummary Fertilization?
Mooring buoy positions Instrumental scheme MotivaciónInstrumentalAnálisisEventos particularesConclusiones 1m MotivationsInstruments & dataAnalysis & resultsSummary IN-SITU data
SST Products used (u ∂T / ∂x + v ∂T / ∂y) MODIS (Aqua) L2 - 1km AVHRR Pathfinder v.5 - 4km AMSR-E - ¼º GHRSST L4 AVHRR OI SST - ¼º GHRSST L4 AVHRR + AMSR OI - ¼ºMotivaciónInstrumentalAnálisisEventos particularesConclusionesMotivationsInstruments & dataAnalysis & resultsSummary
MotivaciónInstrumentalAnálisisEventos particularesConclusiones Preliminary results: IN-SITU and SST data Temperatue profiles from two CTD casts. COPAS ’08 cruise MotivationsInstruments & dataAnalysis & resultsSummary Top: Daily averages for IN-SITU and SST data Bottom: Daily averages, temperature difference between SST and IN-SITU data
MotivaciónInstrumentalAnálisisEventos particularesConclusiones Preliminary results: Temperature fields Zonal tansects at 43.8º S C Temperature fields as seen from AVHRR Pathfinder v5 (top) and MODIS (bottom) MotivationsInstruments & dataAnalysis & resultsSummary
MotivaciónInstrumentalAnálisisEventos particularesConclusiones Preliminary results: Temperature zonal gradient MotivationsInstruments & dataAnalysis & resultsSummary Zonal tansects at 43.8º S Zonal gradients at 43.8º S
Summary MotivaciónInstrumentalAnálisisEventos particularesConclusiones SST products and in-situ data at 1m show good correlation. Averaged biases ranges from 0.5ºC for the first part of the period to 1ºC for the last part of the period. SST products and in-situ data at 1m show good correlation. Averaged biases ranges from 0.5ºC for the first part of the period to 1ºC for the last part of the period. Malvinas Current structure is best described by the high-resolution products, resulting in better estimates of zonal temperature gradients. Malvinas Current structure is best described by the high-resolution products, resulting in better estimates of zonal temperature gradients. For the future: more comparisons with in-situ data, evaluation of vertical advection, heat fluxes and eddy diffusivity terms For the future: more comparisons with in-situ data, evaluation of vertical advection, heat fluxes and eddy diffusivity terms MotivationsInstruments & dataAnalysis & resultsSummary
Thank you!!
Evento de upwelling Series temporales de salinidad y nitratos (Oct-Dic 2005 ) log10 (NO3) = T T Profundidad [m]
PO.DAAC Ocean ESIP Tool MODIS (Aqua) L2P - 1km AMSR-E - ¼º AVHRR Pathfinder v.5 - 4km GHRSST L4 AVHRR OI SST - ¼º GHRSST L4 AVHRR + AMSR OI - ¼º Ocean Color Web Remote Sensing System
SST Product R2R2R2R2Slope Pathfinder v Avhrr Amsre+avhr roi modis amsre