Objectives How to establish MFL as part of everyday routines, both in and out of the classroom To start to explore some of the cross curricular opportunities presented by MFL teaching
To make language learning relevant To create real opportunities for using the language To raise the profile of language learning within the school To maximise curriculum time
Register Greetings Lunchtime requests How are you? (Check in) Numbers Practising questions and answers Revisiting vocabulary (words/simple phrases) Songs at the start/end of the day Hello/Goodbye at the end of the day
Which song???
Happy Birthday Joyeux Anniversaire Joyeux Anniversaire Clapping for the age of children Clapping for the age of children Stickers Stickers Birthday chart in French Birthday chart in French
In the Classroom (1) Classroom Language (Teacher and children) ‘Jacques a dit’ Labelling items in the classroom Naming groups Using display (reinforce and celebrate) Display around the school – raising profile!
Numeracy Teacher counting – handing out sheets/sorting out groups Teacher counting up or down for quiet/changeover of activity Odd/even numbers and prime numbers Fizz/buzz Adding to a specific number Times tables (flyswatting) ’11’
Dice games Dance mat Grid references Number sequences Number problems
Numeracy ABCDE
Et après……? 246…………? …………? …? ……?
6 x 7 = 42
Alphabet Alphabet games – hangman Chanting alphabet – brain gym/writing/spelling in the air/on backs – good for Kin. Learners! Circle game with words/alphabet – don’t necessarily have to be MFL words Running dictation
Assemblies/performances Performing simple songs – whole school joins in/ teach parents/teachers sing a verse by themselves See ‘Six saucissons’ example (reception) Christmas – simplified nativity (see french example)/ sing a verse of a carol in French/German or a traditional Christmas song – see La Belle au bois dormant (QCA KS2)
PE warm ups Warm up instructions Traffic lights – vert (run)/orange (hump backed bridge) rouge (stop) – out if they move Corners/Stations – numbers/colours/words Hoop games Pétanque
Geography/History Finding out about famous people – research project/power point presentation Finding out where other French/German speaking countries are Finding out about the weather in French/German speaking countries – prepare a weather forecast (drama!) Cross curricular projects – caves/rivers/clothes – when can the language input be? World cup projects/Olympics
Technology/ICT Comparing food (school/traditional) Food tasting Follow a simple recipe in French/German/Spanish eg fruit salad French Breakfast arranged with kitchen staff KS2 children make power point presentation on vocabulary for KS1 pupils Surveys – ICT opportunities Word process simple signs and words for the school/classroom
Other….. Festivals Day trip……????? Finding a partner school TV style quiz show (no phone ins of course…..) Media – song/film (être et avoir)
Merci et au revoir