January 15, 2013 Homework: Please review the types of questions related to our stories in unit 3 and 4. Unit 3 focused on theme Unit 4 focused on Sensory Language, imagery and style Extra: The level up videos on the myhrw website is very useful.
January 16, st and 2 nd hour January 17, rd and 4 th hour January 18, th and 6 th hour
January 21, 2013 No School – Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
January 22, 2013 Begin reading Esperanza Rising Chapters 1-2
January 23, 2013 Discussion Groups for chapter 1-3 of Esperanza Rising Homework: Complete the outline for the CERC paragraph Typed paragraph will be due Friday, January 25 th. Homework: Read Chapter 4
January 24, 2013 Sub Plans 1 st and 2 nd hour – Complete the Point of View Activity as it relates to Esperanza Rising Read Independently chapter 5 p. 81 – nd and 3 rd hours: Students should peer edit their compare contrast draft. Text Analysis Workshop: Reading Poetry Complete the attached handouts (attendance attached)
January 25, 2013 Writing Log: Who is your favorite or least favorite character from Esperanza Rising and why?
January 28, 2013 Leaning Target : Meter and Alliteration Text Analysis Workshop: Reading Poetry Homework: Note Taking What Brings a Poem to Life? meter and rhythm Meter is a more or less regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. Rhythm is a musical quality created by the alternation of accented and unaccented syllables.
Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close together, such as the s in makes still pools, and sleep song. Refrain is a word or line that is repeated in a poem to create a certain effect, such as the phrase the rain.
January 29, 2013 Leaning Target : Rhyme Sea Fever/The Village Blacksmith Homework : Vocabulary Practice Rhyme: Rhyme is the repetition of accented vowel sounds, as in thing and sing, cry and sky.
January 30, 2013 Leaning Target : Metaphor and Imagery Message from the Caterpillar (Fog) (Two Haiku)
February 1, 2013 Writing Log ▫Triad group discussion ▫Character Analysis Group discussion Individual turn in Homework- Read up to page 213