BRIEF INTRODUCTION: AND EPID 745, April 3, 2012 Xiaoguang Ma
It's the most powerful citation manager you can find, short of a personal librarian. --PC Magazine EndNote
Outline Intro to EndNote Importing references Manually entering references Insert references in word document Format bibliography Edit citations 3
Intro to EndNote Open new library or existing library Can sort references by author, year, title etc. You can create or import new references You can search for a specific reference Double click reference to view more information Save automatically Work on multiple libraries 4
Importing References Online search in EndNote In search window, enter search terms and click search Click OK to confirm search, click Cancel to go back and change search terms Move the references you don’t need to trash box Import from text files generated in online sources, such as PubMed, Web of Science et al 5
Manually Entering References If reference cannot be found in database (i.e. PubMed), must insert them in yourself Click icon new reference, choose reference type, and enter information Authors: entered one per line and EndNote might suggest similar names (in your library already) Save reference and close reference from file menu 6
Insert References into Word EndNote must be opened After text, from tools menu, go to EndNote, then insert selected citation(s) Must have reference(s) highlighted in EndNote program before Or after text, using {last name, year}, then generate a reference list from the word document. Some scholars prefer this way. Because? 7
Format Bibliography Change bibliographic style from tools menu, to EndNote, then Format Bibliography/Or in EndNote directly Browse output style to choose the style you want Also, preview styles from EndNote program: from bibliography dropbox, click select another style, and view styles’ info and preview 8
Edit Citations If you want to make a change to an individual citation in word, click on individual citation or from tools menu, go to EndNote and edit citation. Insert information or remove information or entire reference, then click OK 9
RefMan > EndNote Offers network features with simultaneous read/write access to databases (multi-users) RefMan < EndNote Find full-text automatically More filters More fields Have Mac version More output styles Automatically search updated reference info Reference Manager
Things to Take Note of 11 If you enter a references twice and cite both in the text, you might have two references in the bibliography. (Using “find duplicate” function) You can drag one reference from one library to another A “traveling library” can be created from the tool bar in Word which will just contain the used references. Manage your library: Master and Specific Project! Multiple library can be referenced and open at the same time Remember to remove field codes in your “final” version, and save the original copy for future use (i.e. revision)
Questions? 12