RE – Is It Fair?
Social Justice and Responsibility Identity – what makes you, you. How you see yourself and how other people see you. Made up of name, age, gender and appearance as well as deeper stuff e.g. beliefs and attitudes.Can be influenced by ethnicity and religion. Social responsibility – not being selfish, considering the impact of our actions on society. Social justice - everyone treated fairly and basic human needs are satisfied. Religions teach that we are all accountable for our actions, we should treat each other as we would want to be. Human dignity – every human is valuable and we all deserve to be treated with respect regardless of religion, race, ethnicity. All religions teach this We also have basic rights e.g. freedom.
Social Justice and Responsibility (2) Justice- involves treating people with dignity, making sure there needs are met. Justice involves fairness, no oppression, honest actions, no prejudice and discrimination and human rights. Examples are charities, people like MLK. Injustice – unfairness, not treating people as they deserve to be treated. Injustice involves the opposite of all justice things. Examples are poverty, holocaust, treatment of women.
Social Justice and Responsibility (3) Authority – influences what people do, guides them and teaches them. Examples are; the law, own conscience, religious leaders, sacred text and the media. Media has massive influence, especially since church numbers are dropping. Can give biased views of moral situations which may promote xenophobia and hate towards religion. There is little coverage of unfairness in the world. This is because not much money can be made, trying to influence political party support and viewing figures. Religions argue that media should be more socially responsible, because every individual or organisation has an obligation to benefit society at large e.g. action against injustice.
Wealth Christianity – being wealthy isn’t wrong, its what you do with the money and how you got it (morally). Many passages suggest they should give money to charity. Story of the rich young man teaches how it is difficult to serve both god and money. Sermon on the mount teaches a lot about money. Happiness is not found in wealth or pride but in simple life with God. It is impossible to love God and money equally. Earthly riches are only temporary, in heaven its forever. Shouldn’t worry about how much they have or need, just love God. Christians have a duty to fight poverty e.g. charities and mother Teresa. Islam – Very similar. Greed and waste is frowned upon and everything actually belongs to Allah. Need to act responsibly and help other people in need. Money should only be earned via what says in the Quran. E.g. no gambling, interest. Zakah – five pillar, 2.5% Sadaqah – willing charity Lots of Islamic charities.
Prejudice and Equality Prejudice – judging someone without knowing everything and with no good reason. Causes are early influences, widely held beliefs, ignorance, fear, experiences etc. Racism is a form of prejudice. Has always been around and is mainly made up of stereotypes. Sex discrimination is a form of prejudice. Men are better than women etc, started to change after WW2 but still needs work. Equality – being equal and being treated equally. Laws can help stop discrimination e.g. The race relations act and sex discrimination act. This helps with open discrimination but doesn’t change attitudes. The media, education and feeling like a part of one thing can help. Positive discrimination – when resources and help is set aside for people who have been treated unfairly in the past. Christianity opposes prejudice because God created all humans equally and in his image. Jesus mixed with everyone no matter who they were. Islam also opposes prejudice. They all belong to the Ummah (brotherhood) where everyone is equal. People fought prejudice e.g. MLK nicely.
Attitudes to Equality (1) Christianity – Bible has a lot of anti – prejudice stories. Believe everyone was created equal by God. They look to Jesus who was the epitome of equal. Most famous story – The good Samaritan. Despite preaching equality there have been times in the past where it has not happened e.g. apartheid. Many people have fought e.g. MLK, Desmond tutu. Attitudes toward sex discrimination isn't so clear. In new testament women are among Jesus' followers and are equal. But St Paul apposed this in his letter to Timothy but later wrote men and women are the same. In the past women have not been allowed to be priest but this has changed recently.
Attitudes to Equality Islam – people are created equally but not identically. All Muslims are united by the Ummah, no matter what they are. Hajj demonstrates equality especially, e.g. white Praying techniques also display equality. Quran teaches men and women are the same. They both have equal obligation to God and the right to education. In early days there were many female scholars. Some teachings that men are superior. But usually are taken to mean they have different roles. Women aren't encouraged to go mosque but it is permitted, not allowed to pray with men.
Responding to Injustice There are religious organisations that tackle poverty e.g. Christian aid and Muslim aid. There are religious organisations that help immigrants e.g. The Boaz Trust and Islamic Aid.