CU-Boulder Central Analytical Lab Mass Spectrometry Core Facility JSCBB C1B90 Jeremy Balsbaugh & Thomas Lee
ManufacturerModelApplication(s) ABIVoyager-DE STR (MALDI)Small molecule, peptide mass determination ABI4000 QTrap Quantitation of small molecules, metabolites, biomarkers and peptides Thermo ElectronLTQ Orbitrap Accurate mass peptide/protein identification and quantification Thermo ScientificLTQ Orbitrap Velos Accurate mass peptide/protein identification and quantification Waters CorpSynapt G2 HDMS Accurate mass small molecule, metabolite, proteomics and HDX protein analyses Thermo ScientificPolarisQ ion trap (GC/MS) Small molecule and metabolite mass and structural determinations Agilent1100 HPLCOffline separations of complex lysates Waters CorpAcquity UPLC High resolution small molecule, metabolite, and peptide separations Waters CorpHDX Manager / nanoAcquity UPLCSpecialized HDX separations Waters Corp2D nanoAcquity UPLC x 2 High resolution, 1D/online 2D peptide separations for proteomics analyses CU-Boulder CAL – Facility Instruments
“Shotgun” proteomic analysis –identification of proteins and peptides by mass (m/z) and sequence using CID, ETD, or HCD Mass Spectrometry Applications: Proteomics Recombinant expression product verification Intact protein MW determination Identification of protein impurities Allis CD, et al. Epigenetics, Post-translational modification enrichment, identification, and site localization
Complex proteomics analyses including quantification of proteins and post- translational modifications (label-free or isotope labeled) following stress, inhibitor treatment, etc. Mass Spectrometry Applications: Proteomics Raman, M., et al. Oncogene, 2007.
Software accessibility and support –MASCOT, MaxQuant, Andromeda, MassLynx, ProteinLynx Global Server, Xcalibur, Isoform Resolver, Sciex Data Explorer, Analyst Mass Spectrometry Applications: Proteomics Immunoprecipitations Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange MS
Analysis of small molecules available using both LCMS and GCMS Training on instrument usage, data and software analysis, and MS-based laboratory coursework Mass Spectrometry Applications: Small molecules High resolution separations and quantification of small molecules Molecular detection by mass (m/z) and optional HRAM
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