‘Toward TIARA’ Final Plan for the collaborative R&D Program WP4 Presented by Paolo Pierini 26/11/2013
Deliverables Num Short name DescriptionMStatus D4.1KIRGeneral Report on Key Accelerator Research Areas and Key R&D Issues 5Achieved M11 D4.2PARR&D Projects Access Report. Procedure for identifying, defining and launching of collaborative R&D projects, including common methodology for costing the projects. 24Achieved M28 (April) D4.3TTR“Toward TIARA”. Final plan of the collaborative R&D Program 33 (Sep) Now 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final One still to go 2
Milestones Num Short name DescriptionMStatus MS13FSG Formation of Study Groups for Identification of Key Issues 1Not needed MS14FWGFormation of Working Groups5Achieved M14 MS15JTI Joint Meeting of WP3 and WP4 : Presentation of proposals for joining the TIARA distributed R&D Infrastructures 21Achieved M18 MS16RPA Report on R&D Projects Access, describing procedures for identifying, defining and launching of collaborative R&D projects 22Achieved M23 MS17JPR Intermediate Report on Joint R&D Program 24Achieved M28 MS18RDP Presentation of final, implemented plan of the collaborative R&D Program 32Achieved M34 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final One still to go 3
Collaborative Programme Task 4.3 will propose a coherent collaborative R&D programme to be carried on in the TIARA framework. –4.3 DAP Definition of the coherent collaborative Accelerator R&D Program and identification of the necessary infrastructures. This programme will identify the infrastructures needed to validate new technologies and to tests prototypes. The R&D Programme will also ensure appropriate coordination with non European accelerator R&D programs to be established. 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final4
KARA/KTI WP4 work started with the identification of the Key Accelerator Areas and Key Technical Items –Listed in D4.1, updated at MS17 All KARA/KTI are part of the TIARA potential Workplan The TIARA R&D Work Plan assembled by agreeing on a number of main R&D topics (“themes”) 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final5
Groundwork for Work programme 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final6
KARA/KTI & Projects 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final7 Presented at Madrid mid-Term
Towards TIARA Workplan The TIARA R&D Work Plan assembled by agreeing within WP4 on a number of main R&D topics (“themes”) –Topics of sufficiently wide interest which aggregate several KARAs and KTIs Emphasize that R&D items have potential impact on several applications –Address the needs of a broad set of communities Not only HEP and Nuclear Physics, but also Light Sources, Medical, and Industrial applications –Identify Trends Ongoing processes to develop EC stategies (ex. ESPP + others), no contrast with those –leads to need of periodic reassessment of workplan 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final8
Shortlist/1 1.High Energy Frontier –Including Circular Colliders, High energy Linear Colliders, Gamma Colliders, Muon Colliders and Plasma Acceleration Schemes 2.High Intensity/Luminosity Frontier –Including Spallation Sources, Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities, Higgs Factories, p-bar Factories, Neutrino Factories 3.Light Sources Development –Including the large variety of schemes under discussion, as Ultimate Rings, FEL-based facilities, 5 th generation light sources, ERL-based light sources 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final9
Shortlist/2 4.Medical Applications 5.Environmental and Industrial Applications 6.Accelerator Cost Effectiveness, Energy efficiency & Reliability –Any R&D project enabling major improvements on these topics 7.Emerging Ideas & Technologies –This may be needed to cover KTIs which may not fall completely in the previous categories 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final10
Draft deliverable available ~70% For each theme we provide –A description of the scope Class of facilities are encompassed in the topic The context and the applications Identify trends of the community interest, if any –A (non-comprehensive) list of projects which are currently ongoing or been planned in this topic on national, European, or international level Try to highlight specific challenges in each –A list of KARA/KTI’s involved –A list of ARI involved This is still pending, but ARIs will be retrieved from DB by their mapping to KTI 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final11
High Energy Frontier Based on ESPP Projects mentioned –LHC –CLIC –Future Hadron Colliders –TLEP –LHeC –ILC –Muon –Plasma Colliders 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final12
High Intensity Either –Rare phenomena –High flux for applications Projects mentioned –ESS –EURISOL –FAIR –IFMIF Missing –Neutrino factories – Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final13
Light Sources Trends –Towards ultimate rings –Soft/Hard Xray FELs and high d.f. (cw) –ERLs Projects mentioned –ESRF upgrade(s) –MAX IV –XFEL –SWISSFEL –LCLSII –ALICE –BERLINPRO –CORNELL ERL 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final14
Medical Applications Context –Therapy Facilities Gantries Future developements –Radioisotope Production Listing of existing facilities and proposals, mostly in Eu contexts 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final15
Towards TIARA Workplan What we do not/will not deliver –Priority ranking Variety of institutions with different goals Hard to build consensus in this preliminary phase Discussed several times, but WP4 members feel analysis of priorities is not within our mandate –Costing estimates for KARA/KTI Huge effort, require the technical expertise across many fields and manpower of several cost engineers to cover all the KTIs 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final16
KARA & Workplan mapping 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final17 Domain Workplan theme High Energy Frontier High Intensity/Luminosity Frontier Light Sources Development Accelerator Cost Effectiveness, Energy efficiency & Reliability Health: Medical Applications Environmental and Industrial Applications Emerging Ideas & Technologies KARA Accelerator Components Sources and Injectors xxx RF structures xxxxx RF systems xxxxx SC magnets xxxxx Conventional NC magnet systems xxx x Diagnostics and instrumentation xxx x Targetry xx x Radiation issues xx x Accelerator Technologies Electronics and Software xxxxx UHV xxx x RF sources xxxxx Cryogenics xxxxx Alignment and Stabilization xxx Accelerator Concepts Accelerator Design xxxxx Beam Dynamics xxx x FEL processes x Beam cooling xx New techniques for high gradient acceleration x x x x Medical and Industrial Accelerators xx xx DRAFT
Status Goal: Deliver D4.3 before end of TIARA-PP contract Status: 70% of the work done (currently 26 pp) –4 out of 7 «themes» drafted Editing/Revision in progress –Raw contribution for the «Industrial Application» –Minute notes for drafting «Accelerator Cost Effectiveness, Energy efficiency & Reliability» As soon a complete draft is assembled, it will be distributed to GC for comments –Approval at next GC during TIARA extension? 26 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final18