Area of Circles and Sectors 1.Login to 2.Click on Geometry Common Core 3.Click on Chapter 10 4.Click on Lesson Click on Solve It! 6.Watch the video and answer the question Students will use online textbook to solve area of sectors and circles This task uses: Learning Objective(s): Students will be able find the areas of circles, sectors an segments of circles S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Area of sectors 1.Go to 2.Measure the radius of the cookie 3.Find the area of the cookie 4.Use the applet to find the area 5.Find the area of half cookie, quarter, third….. 6.Check answer using the applet 7.Answer given questions 8.Turn in work Use to complete the cookiesize activity This task uses: Learning Objective(s): Derive a formula for area of a sector. Use the formula to find area of a sector. Use the formula in real world applications. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
Area of sectors explained 1.Students will work individually to create a real life area of sector problem 2.Students will answer the question and show work on a separate piece of paper 3.Students will check each other and discuss the answer 4.Go to and select Plain Text for the data type. 5.Type the answer in the box 6.Click Download QR Code 7.Print your QR Code and cut it out and paste in on your problem 10. Have students go around the room solving each others problems Students create problems and answer on area of sector and then create QR code to share with class This task uses: Chrome Learning Objective(s): Use the formula to find area of a sector. Use the formula in real world applications. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.
My Math Video 1.Create your own cartoon with ToonTastic 2.Choose characters, setting and emotions 3.Create your own story about sectors 4.Tap “Start Animation” and retell the scene using narration and dialogue. The app will give a 3 second countdown to the start of recording. Tap, hold, and drag to move characters around the screen as the app records. 5.Tap “Stop Animation” when finished with the scene, which will instantly begin replay. 6.If you need to rerecord their scene, repeat the recording process. 7.Choose the most suitable music for your retelling. 8.Export your cartoon to the camera roll. 9.Add your video to the Discussion Board in Blackboard. 10.View and comment on 2 other videos. Create a video about area of sectors using Toontastic This task uses: Toontastic Toontube Learning Objective(s): Use the formula to find area of a sector. Use the formula in real world applications. R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable.
G-C.B.5 Derive the formula for the area of a sector IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology Create a video of area of sectors using Toontastic Students will create a video and provide feedback to demonstrate understanding of area and sectors. Blackboard and ToonTastic Students create problems and answer on area of sector and then create QR code to share with class Student will create problems pertaining area of sectors Website: QR Stuff Use to complete the cookiesize activity Students will se the formula to find area of a sector and use the formula in real world applications Ipad App: Geogebra Students will use online textbook to solve area of sectors and circles Students will derive a formula for area of a sector and use the formula to find area of a sector. Website: Textbook at Louisiana Math Standard (include description): Teacher: MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement