Lydia RichardLydia Richard & Cathy BustinCathy Bustin Disability Rights Maine
Disability Rights Maine (DRM) opened in PAIMI Advisory Council Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) Maine Association of Peer Support and Recovery Centers (MAPSRC) Advocacy Initiative Network of Maine (AIN) started in 1999 with DRM as the fiscal agent. Consumer Council System of Maine (CCSM) Amistad & Peer Support Network Disability Rights Maine
Grassroots community organizing approach WHAT BRINGS YOU TO THIS WORK? Disability Rights Maine
Have you ever felt as if yours is the missing voice in deciding which mental health services help support you in times of distress? Have you ever wondered what could change if people who experience mental or emotional distress got together to share common experiences and common goals for systemic change and came up with a plan, together, to create that change? Disability Rights Maine
For decades, "consumers", "clients", "survivors, "ex- patients", "peers" "recovering persons", "recipients" of mental health services have joined together in various efforts and in a variety of organizations to change and improve the "help" that is offered to or forced upon us. We know we are powerful when our voices are heard together! We’ve witnessed positive change! Where do we want to be five years from now? Disability Rights Maine
There are cuts in this year’s proposed budget that would equalize medication management rates for community behavioral health providers with primary care physicians. These are the very medications that allow people with severe and persistent mental illness remain stable and safe in their communities. Medication management and the services in section 28 and 65 are what allow patients to live safely and happily in their own communities. These services help patients stay out of the emergency room and the criminal justice system. Disability Rights Maine
DRM regarded as a trusted ally PAC members are from all existing CSX organizations PAC meetings “NO WAR ZONE” Collaborative Planning Disability Rights Maine
People from organizations asked to speak about What brought them here and Why they do this work Framework naturally becomes common experience of rights violations Disability Rights Maine
Rural State-No public transportation Money Power politics and turf issues Disability Rights Maine
Distrust in motives Grudges Different goals Rights Advocacy=Fear of State funding loss Disability Rights Maine
With only two weeks lead time 90 people responded including participation by 10 currently civilly committed individuals A positive, energy-filled room of individuals all connected to a common experience. People beyond paid peer staff demanding follow-up meetings and ways to get involved in system advocacy Disability Rights Maine
Thank you, everyone, who came and participated in the first Sharing Voices and Visions event at Maple Hill Farm on June 27th. As a person living with a psychiatric label for thirty years, and as a human rights activist, it was wonderful to be in a room with so many others who have lived similar journeys. Did you feel the connection of common experience? Though there is pain in our unique experiences, it feels great to me to be with so many others who just "get it", and more, want to work together to make others’ journeys better. Disability Rights Maine
Inadequate organizing funds Inability to sustain collaboration without an organizer Trying to transfer to a peer organization Disability Rights Maine
Peer Staff within the Mental Health System without Systems Advocacy does not work. Systems Advocacy roots are based in human rights; human rights violations are the common experience that unites. P & A’s are natural allies for reigniting and supporting grassroots system advocacy. Disability Rights Maine
Collaboratively identifying specific advocacy goals Having everything done under an umbrella collaborative identifying system change goals Disability Rights Maine