Child Labour By: Marko Holowatsky
What is child labour? Child Labour is when people, companies or even governments use children to make products.
Why does child labour exist? Children will work for little money Children will not complain about working conditions Children will not complain about dangerous jobs Some people are greedy and willing to exploit children
Where does child labour exist? Child labour exists everywhere Mostly it exists where people are poor Some countries that have a lot of child labour are: Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Burundi and Pakistan
What are some companies that have used child labour? Victoria Secret, Forever 21, Areopostal, Nike, Adidas, Walmart, Gap, H&M, Joe Fresh, Old Navy and Hershey's.
What are some examples of child labour? Sorting through waste, especially e-waste Making bricks and construction Farm work Sewing clothes and shoes Mining Cooking
What are the effects of child labour? Children don’t have time for play or education Children that work have poor mental and physical health Children are abused at work
What is being done about child labour? 1959 United Nations created the Declaration of the Rights of the Child 1990 Declaration of the Rights of the Child became a set of international laws 1995 12 year old Canadian, Craig Kielburger created Free the Children Charity 2002 International Labour Organization - World Day Against Child Labour
What is Canada doing about child labour? First provincial laws about child labour in factories and mines began to pass in the 1870s and 1880s By 1900s most provinces had laws to restrict the employment of children Today in Canada, work outside school hours is generally allowed. However, for children under 16, school attendance is compulsory and employment is restricted.
What can we do to stop child labour? Inform people about the problem of child labour Don’t buy products made by companies using child labour Raise money for charities working to prevent child labour Be smart how you use products. Don’t make unnecessary e-waste
Organizations fighting against child labour? International Labour Organization Stop Child Labour Free The Children Fair Trade International IIECL Anti-slavery
What I Think Children should not be forced to work Children should have the right to education Canada needs to take more action against child labour All children deserve to be protected and feel safe
Websites I Used /en/category/tags/child-labour canada_b_3511715.html