Book Trailers – A visual, movie type trailer can be viewed by students to help motivate them towards reading grade-level appropriate books. IMP – Denise Dragash
Standards: Respond to grade-level- appropriate literature includes identifying story elements such as character, theme, plot, and setting. Make connections and comparisons across texts. Comprehension involves understanding grade- level-appropriate material.
What can I learn about myself and the world around me from the books I read?
Work with your group and choose a book that will appeal to other students. Identify story elements such as character, theme, plot, and setting. Make connections and comparisons with other books. Map out the elements for your book trailer.
* Ever been to the movies and seen a preview that you knew you just “had to see” when it came out??? *What makes a movie preview so good? *How can you translate that to a book? * Tell enough to entice, but don’t give away too much! What is a Book Trailer?
Video How to Download Photos & Video clips from a Digital Camera
Video How to Make a Movie in Windows Movie Maker
1.Take your video or photos and download them into Windows Movie Maker. 2.Be creative – add transitions and title slides that will enhance your movie trailer. 3.Don’t forget a credit slide. 4.Ask another one other group to look at your movie to get feedback. 5.Save your movie to your home drive. Putting it all Together
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