New (old) Social Work A workshop on the work of Doncaster’s Social Care Re-Script Group
Changing the Personal Budgets process – why? A review following initial implementation identified improvement areas The developing policy agenda encourages it (Think Local Act Personal-TLAP) Service User feedback identifies issues with the current process Alignment with Corporate budget reduction work A need to discharge new duties under the Care Act 2014
Shift to citizenship model
Asset based approach
The new script The new script for social work is a way of organising social work to better empower and support citizens to be in control and to better enable social workers to use their skills.
Doncaster’s Re-Script Project Assessment Paperwork Radical re-design to align to an asset based and outcome focussed approach Processes Lean processes – removal of unnecessary bureaucracy and Personal Budget available earlier Resource Allocation System (RAS) Driven by professional judgement Workforce Development and Culture Change On-going rolling programme to support changes in roles and culture
The Re-Script Project Group Core Group Members: Social Workers Team Managers Specialist Services Business Improvement Approach to Development Work: Operational input throughout all development work From research to initial idea to prototyping to testing Ensure robust and fit for purpose at operational level Co-opt in additional expertise when required E.g. Finance, RAS Expert, OLM
New Assessment Form Current Form ‘Deficit’ - not Asset Based and Outcomes Focus Doesn’t capture the Person’s ‘story’ Prescriptive format that ‘drives’ the RAS Long, manual form - 50 pages Not evidence based New Form Aligned to Asset Based and Outcomes Focus Captures the Person’s ‘story’ and aspirations Free flowing, does not drive the RAS Lean - 17 pages, some pre- populated via CareFirst Evidence based
Key Features of the New Form A day in my life …… A typical week of my life ….. Who is Important to Me …. What’s Important to Me …. Summary of Assessment FACS eligibility Needs met informally Eligible unmet needs requiring support
New Resource Allocation System Current RAS Allocation – based on services Disempowering – system driven Not transparent - tick boxes, complex and hidden calculations Inaccurate – uplifts and panel the ‘norm’ Bureaucratic – delays payment to Service Users New RAS Allocation based on needs and outcomes Empowering – uses professional judgement Transparent - no hidden complex algorithms or calculations More accurate – uplifts and panel exceptions Lean - quicker payment to Service Users
How the new RAS Works RAS Grid with starter budget amounts Professional judgement driven Number of eligible needs that remain unmet (not met via Circle of Support etc) Risk Severity (level 1 to 4) Risk Likelihood (level 1 to 7) Multiply Risk Severity by Risk Likelihood to get overall risk score. Number of needs and overall risk score determines the position on the RAS Grid (A to X)
Doncaster’s RAS Grid
Our Journey Project Team established Decision for bespoke development Prototyping and phased approach Specify RAS model Desktop sampling of 260 current random cases Analyse, review and modify sampling results Make changes to model and calibrate Develop supporting tools Live test phase – 200 random cases Final calibration
Lessons Learned …… Project Team approach is a success Re-values and empowers social workers No ‘gaming’ of the RAS Positive response from the workforce Separation of assessment form and RAS was the right decision Development is resource intensive Robust approach to roll out is required Role and culture change implications
Next Steps …… Develop new Care and Support Plan and Review Form (Care Act compliant) Lean processes Complete Live Testing (Assessment Form & RAS) Calibrate and ‘sign-off’ the RAS Develop in CareFirst Group to visit teams Staff Training Aiming for go live Oct 14
Applying the new approach: Spotlight on a Social Worker! From theory to practise Testing out the new approach A recent case My experience and views
Any Questions?
Group Work: Applying the RAS to a Case Study Group Work Read through the case study (Maureen Smith, service user and Frank Smith, carer) Apply the new RAS approach to the case Refer to the Risk Severity and Risk Likelihood Definitions Make your judgements (number of eligible unmet needs, risk severity and risk likelihood) Multiply “risk severity” by “risk likelihood” to determine the risk level on the RAS grid Determine the position on the RAS Grid (from cell A to X) Record your judgements on the “RAS Grid Decision Record” Feedback / questions from groups
Feedback or Questions from the Group Work Key comment from groups about the new Assessment Form and / or new RAS e.g. Initial thoughts Likes Could be better if … OR Questions
Contact Information Martin Walker - Team Manager, Modernisation & Engagement Jacqui Scott - Senior Business Improvement Officer Denise Sholtysek - Team Manager, Adult East Team Sharon Ward – Social Worker, Adult South Team Vicky Bidmead – Social Worker, Adult Central Team