Tonya’s Bio
My Story Hi my name is Tonya Denise Fultz and I grew up in Louisiana half of my life, move to Galena Park Texas and then Channelview Texas. I stayed in Galena Park Texas all of my elementary and middle school years I participated in the choir, dare to keep kids off drugs and was in the national honor society. We them moved to Channelview Texas my 9 th grade year because may mother and father wanted something bigger to live. I was enrolled in ROTC for the first two years of high school, Carpentry, Theatre Arts and Music. I had many challenges in my junior year to over come, I dropped out of school in my senior year. I met my husband in the year 1999 a and 2 years later had a wonderful baby girl and 2 ear after that had a another baby girl and 2 years after that had may last baby girl. I decided that I needed to further my education for my children I went back to school and earned my Ged in I started working as a daycare teacher in 2005 and I met my wonderful director who push me to go back to school I earn my certified nurse assistant. I worked as a daycare teacher for 6 years and then I got a job working for head start. I was an assistant teacher for 5 years. I decided that I needed more than a certificate I needed a degree and I enrolled in Ashford University over 4 years ago. I have my bachelors degree now and I’m furthering my education so I am looking forward to finishing school this year in August where I will have earned my masters degree. I was always taught no matter what obstacle or challenge may come you can achieve any goal you set your mind and heart to. It is always better late than never to start what you want to finish in life to be successful.
All about Me Hello my name is Tonya Fultz, I am 32 years old everybody thinks I'm younger than my age. I have three wonderful children ages are 10, 8, and 12 all which are girls. I have been married for 16 years so yes my life has been pretty busy. I was born and raised in Houston Texas where I reside for the last 15 years.. My goal is to own my own preschool because I love children and have been working in the teaching field for the last 9 years. I learn a lot working in a school district as a teacher's aide. I have come to realization that there is no perfect parent but there is being the best at what you do. Parenting is not trying to be perfect but loving your children trying to do your best to raise children who are respectful and successful. Loving your children beyond there faults, downfalls, mishaps, and sometimes negative behavior.. I have overcome many different challenges in my life and I have also had many achievements and more yet to come. I remember about five years ago when I made up in my mind to go back to school to better my future for myself and my family. At the beginning of last year in March I earned my bachelor’s degree and decided to keep going to obtain my masters. So here I am now 27 credits earning my Master’s degree. I know there is going to be more challenges as I try to finish but nothing I cannot handle. he position I am applying is for center assistant principal,it will help me to further express and show my gratitude, leadership,dedication, and gain more experience.
My Talents, My Hobbies Sing Computers Reading Movies Running
My Elementary Years I’m trying to think that far back, I can remember my high school years. I kind of struggled with academics through the years and wanted to give up because of the embarrassment of not catching on like the other students. I remember one high school teach who believed in me and did not give up on me. She took the time out tutor and teach me that nothings to hard it just takes practice and work.
Educational Background I was suppose and wanted to obtain a career that I could have fun, enjoy and have a chance to spend time with my children. I tried working as a certified nurse for about 6 months and then I realized I was in the wrong field. I have three children and I love children so I decided to become a teacher. I enrolled in Ashford online because that was the best thing for me to do and more flexible. I have been attending Ashford online for the past 4 years, some challenges have occurred but I managed to finish and obtain my bachelor’s degree. I am still enrolled in Ashford University where I am obtaining my masters degree. I decided to further my career for one I want to be a counselor and for two I want to show my children they can and will accomplish anything they set there mind to do.
My Favorite Food I love seafood and would it eat all the time if I could, I have been Eating seafood since I was two years old and now I’m 32 years of age. Some benefits from eating seafood is I never get full, you do not gain a lot of weight, and it taste so good.
Religious Background I'm a Christian and as a little girl have been attending Church for the past 32 years. I sung in the he choir as a little girl and lead the praise team for may years. I ‘am now a youth teacher for the children's church, I am an assistant to the member services department and a greeter.
Action Research vs Traditional Research Active research is steps or information, or methods you find out while in the process of researching. Traditional research are resources you use to get the information example; web encyclopedia dictionary.