Positive engagement of older people to support and promote greater independence and well being in later life Strategy for an Ageing Population Workshop
David Halpin Lancashire County Council Coordinator Strategy for an Ageing Population East Cliff County Offices Preston Lancs. PR1 3EA Tel
Workshop Team David Halpin Coordinator Strategy for an Ageing Population Paul Robinson Locality Commissioning Manager Preston James Gorman Commissioning support officer Janet Gray Employment support assistant to David Halpin
Workshop Thoughts about engagement The journey so far Taking the journey forward
20% 80% Contact with Social Care NHS No Contact
Strategy for an Ageing Population Our Continuing Journey
Citizen Engagement “beyond being consulted about relatively unimportant issues and excluded from the decisions that count” J.Dryzek
Engagement in what ? Assessing the needs of the older population Speaking for others Taking part in planning process Debating potential policy solutions-alternatives Monitoring-evaluation of policy/programme s
3 Dimensions of Engagement Franchisethe number of older people able to be involved in decisions Scope bringing more issues under control of older people Authenticity real rather than symbolic control
Don’t create an ever-growing array of consultation divorced from real power
“what we want is to live well and healthy lives. Have a good quick death and keep social services out of our lives” Chair Older Peoples Partnership Board Alex McMinn 2009
Direct Deliberative Real Control Talk-Think-Debate Reflect-Grow
2005 Demographic Change Demographic Change
Why a strategy for Ageing ? 2025 people 50 will be 50% of Lancashire’s population
The Strategic Landscape of Lancashire 1 County Council 12 District/City/Borough Councils 3 Primary Care Trusts 2 Unitary Councils 12NHS Trusts 1Combined Fire and Rescue Authority 1 Combined Police Authority
Demographic Change Demographic Change Elected member champion 3 Maturity matters conference Ambition Lancashire Community plan Ambition Lancashire Community plan
Demographic Change Demographic Change Elected member champion 3 Maturity matters conference Ambition Lancashire Community plan Ambition Lancashire Community plan Strategic response
The Brief and the Approach Develop a strategy to meet the Ambition Lancashire Vision Older People at the heart of the process Whole Systems approach Framework for other strategies Action Plans 5 year – 10 year – 20 year Future proofed-age proofed Research Lancashire Panel
Strategy development team older people Support from project manager Corporate policy unit staff Older peoples champion Local theme group older people Task group Officer resource group Multiagency/older peoples champion Representation on Lancs LSP Consultants report to/seek advice from/ capacity build Task group Local theme group older people
Demographic Change Demographic Change Elected member champion 3 Maturity matters conference Ambition Lancashire Community plan Ambition Lancashire Community plan Strategic response Whole systems model
OWNING THE BOX Police-Fire- Education-Social Care- Transport-NHS-Leisure
Leisure Safety Learning Older people working together Employment Accessible Transport Good Housing Adequate Income NOBOXNOBOX
Demographic Change Demographic Change Elected member champion 3 Maturity matters conference Ambition Lancashire Community plan Ambition Lancashire Community plan Strategic response Whole systems model Development Team Older People Development Team Older People
Older People’s Strategy Development Team Older People Only (25 members) Dedicated External consultant support Development Monitoring and Evaluation
Demographic Change Demographic Change Elected member champion 3 Maturity matters conference Ambition Lancashire Community plan Ambition Lancashire Community plan Strategic response Whole systems model Development Team Older People Development Team Older People Officer resource group (47)
Officer Support Multi-Agency Officer Resource Group 47 members Development of the strategy Support for OPSDT Integrate work in own agency Review/develop strategy
Demographic Change Demographic Change Elected member champion 3 Maturity matters conference Ambition Lancashire Community plan Ambition Lancashire Community plan Strategic response Whole systems model Development Team Older People Development Team Older People Officer resource group (47) Values/models Whole systems events 300 older people Action planning event 100 older people Stakeholder consultation Strategy for an ageing population
The Five Strategic Outcome Outcome 1: Older people should have sufficient financial security to maintain their quality of life and welling Aims Older people will have a suitable income Older people will have the opportunity to work if they want. Outcome 2: Older people should have access to mainstream services Aims Older people will have access to good quality information, advocacy and advice Older people will have improved access to services
Outcome 3: Older people should be healthy and well Aims Older people will be physically, mentally and emotionally healthy. Older people will have good social networks Older people will have access to a range of activities. Outcome 4: Older people should feel safe and supported Aims Older people and carers will receive suitable support Older people will feel safe at home and in the community Older people will have suitable and decent accommodation
Outcome 5: Older people should have the opportunity to make a positive contribution Aims Older people will be able to contribute to community life Older people will be able to build links with younger people Older people will be free from discrimination Older people will play an active part in decision-making
2005 Demographic Change Demographic Change Elected member champion 3 Maturity matters conference Ambition Lancashire Community plan Ambition Lancashire Community plan Strategic response Whole systems model Development Team Older People Development Team Older People Officer resource group (47) Values/models Whole systems events 300 older people Action planning event 100 older people Stakeholder consultation Strategy for an ageing population LAA 2 Influenced by older people through the strategy LAA 2 Influenced by older people through the strategy Delivery Multi Agency Officer Delivery Group Delivery Multi Agency Officer Delivery Group Lancashire 50 plus Assembly 2009
Source Material Democratising Engagement-What the UK Can Learn from International Experience Andrea Cornwall Demos 2008 Deliberative Democracy and beyond John Dryzek