David Marriott
"If local democracy had worked, if local governing bodies had worked in the most challenging schools and for the most disadvantaged children, we would never have needed academies" "Often governing bodies are the problem, actually“ Sir Michael Wilshaw Head of Mossbourne academy, Hackney New HMCI (Head of Ofsted) 12/06/
“The new theology of the Coalition government is autonomy and choice…Governors are more important in a more autonomous system. Their ability to challenge and lead is the key.” Sue Hackman Chief Adviser for School Standards, DfE /06/
Strategy Scrutiny: challenge (and support) Accountability 12/06/
We are a forward-thinking, innovative school devoted to best possible academic and personal success for every student. That success for each child is due to excellent teaching, effective and focused support and guidance, and a whole-school ethos of excellent relationships, good humour, inspiration and joy - all of which is focused on learning. 12/06/
What? Effectiveness: school performance Efficiency: value for money 12/06/
How? Self-evaluation (inc GB) RAISEonline Headteacher performance management Stakeholder feedback eg complaints and compliments Policies, plans, improvement strategies Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) Financial reports to GB Finance committee minutes Financial benchmarking Value for Money tools 12/06/
When? When key information becomes available (so we need a calendar and sequence our meetings accordingly…) 12/06/
Who? By: committees, full GB, individual governors according to the topic (So are our committees focused on the challenge role?) From: head, department heads, pastoral heads, bursar… (Do we rely too much on the head for information?) 12/06/
New National Curriculum New assessment regime and methodology Progress measures EBacc and its effects How well deprived groups do What happens when they leave? New floor standards…Academy status imposed on failing schools Value for money – results vs expenditure What are your internal school performance indicators? 12/06/
“Heads love mediocre governing bodies” John Dunford Whole Education Ex head and chair of ASCL 12/06/
High support Low support High challengeLow challenge Partners or critical friends ‘We share everything –good or bad’. Supporters Club ‘We’re here to support the head’. Abdicators ‘We leave it to the professionals’. Adversaries ‘We keep a very close eye on the staff!’. 12/06/
Rationale – expected outcomes for governors and staff What it’s not about Ground rules – always, never; before, during and after How often and when? Annual review – what have we learned? How can we improve the process? 12/06/
For staff: National College for school Leadership – toolkit for governors For governors: Succession Breeds Success /06/