How to repurpose video to generate 12 months of content for your next event #ppaconnect Ricardo Molina – Co-founder & Director - BrightBull
About BrightBull We are a B2B marketing agency and consultancy reinvigorating the way in which B2B media publishers drive revenue with events. Our team has been developing event marketing strategies and campaigns for over 15 years focusing on the results that matter most to events businesses, growth and revenue. Trusted by: #ppaconnect #ppaconnect
#ppaconnect Who here has sat and watched a whole presentation video for 45 minutes? #ppaconnect
#ppaconnect Event businesses video all their sessions and assume people digest content in the same way #ppaconnect
It is time to reconsider how to use video for events On average, Users only watch 28% of a min video 28%28% #ppaconnect
Our contribution today Share our blueprint Apply it to other events Make video recordings work harder Optimise low/minimum resources to create content from scratch #ppaconnect
A blueprint we devised internally and we follow it with all our clients Content Assets 6161 Raw Video = #ppaconnect
A blueprint we devised internally and we follow, with all our clients Drive yearlong content campaign Generate leads for next event Use content to promote event “soft sell” Deliver evergreen content Engage through social media Improve SEO Objective
Applies to any content generated from events or even your own publications Presentations from speakers Event programmes Conversations with potential speakers at research stage #ppaconnect
The goal is to repurpose the same content and create as many assets as possible Raw Video It is not rocket science. It is meant to be simple #ppaconnect
Stage I The video interview #ppaconnect
The types of questions are critical The Interviews Raw Video
What to video? Satisfy all stakeholders Raw Video Marketer - Content Sponsorship – Vendor Testimonial The boss – Testimonials, Event Highlights The Interviews
GOAL: Aim to collect at least 8-10 interviews from end users Raw Video The Interviews
The questions are critical Raw Video How has this event helped your role? The Interviews What are your challenges? What trends do you predict in the next 5 years?
Stage II Developing content assets #ppaconnect
Raw Video Stage II : Key Content Assets eBook Slideshare s Infographic Interviews 4min Videos Each person 1 video - Compile Q1, Q2, Q3 separate - Testimonials video - Event compilation Transcribed from video Lead Generation at Top of Funnel ebooks Based on ebook + Stats gathered
Most event businesses stop here, and dump all content somewhere on their site with everything behind a gate -Content is not picked by SEO -There is no visibility for the user -No value add -You are not driving additional traffic to your site -This is no lead generation campaign #ppaconnect
Stage III: The blog #ppaconnect
Our own case study: When you blog sporadically vs blogging consistently It is meant to be simple Stage III: The blog
Raw Video Stage III: The blog eBook Slideshar e Infographic Blog Interviews 4min Videos Blog 18 Blog Blogs 3838
Stage iV Amplification #ppaconnect
Groups Profiles Company Event Website / Blog 1 Blog Interview 1 Stage IV - Amplification Resist the temptation to sell event The aim is to drive traffic to site and add value through content #ppaconnect
Great Content but I need to sell my stuff? #ppaconnect
#ppaconnect 96% of website visitors are not ready to buy Source: HubSpot 50% of qualified leads are not ready to purchase immediately. Source: Gleanster
Blogs attract traffic to your website & drive SEO Each blog must link to downloadable ebook Every content asset will contain CTA to Lead Generation + event website All leads will be sent event information Each blog will have a CTA to your event too Leads will be on your DB to promote other events too #ppaconnect
Add CTAs in your blog page + Links to your event
Beginning of video + end + Video Description
CTA at the end of the ebook + Slideshare
For social media resist the temptation to sell the event. Use hashtags + links to content
41 actual productive weeks where you have material to engage with your target market 3 weeks Christmas 4 weeks post event 2 weeks (two weeks before next event) Content Assets 6161 Blogs 38 #ppaconnect The 12 month promotion schedule
This model works because it increases Website visits, leads and delegates #ppaconnect
Thank you! Ricardo Molina Download this slides here: Image credits: