Confucius Said: “Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.”
Job vs. Occupation vs. Career Is there a difference??
Job A paid position involving a specific place, time, and tasks set by an employer A paid position involving a specific place, time, and tasks set by an employer Meets an immediate need: Meets an immediate need: Pay bills Pay bills Establish savings account Establish savings account Save for something specific Save for something specific Car Car College College
Occupation Group of related tasks that require special training, education, or experience to learn a specific set of skills Group of related tasks that require special training, education, or experience to learn a specific set of skills May have an occupation without actually working in the field May have an occupation without actually working in the field Often have several jobs within their career field Often have several jobs within their career field
Career Lifetime work history or a long-term participation in a particular field of expertise Lifetime work history or a long-term participation in a particular field of expertise Based on something you like doing Based on something you like doing Career cluster – all possible careers in an entire field Career cluster – all possible careers in an entire field Example: nurse assistants, registered nurses, radiology technicians, and doctors are all careers in the medical field, but require different expertise and training Example: nurse assistants, registered nurses, radiology technicians, and doctors are all careers in the medical field, but require different expertise and training