T HE W RITING P ROCESS :D RAFTING, R EVISING, AND E DITING Paola Álvarez Ezqueda English 6th semester
USING THE RHETORICAL TRIANGLE Subject: It may be that your topic is engaging and interesting. Reader: Determines more about your writing than any other factor in the essay process. Writer: - Makes meaning through choices -Tells the reader what is most important about the topic Message: Is the interaction of the writer, subject and reader
ESSAY ORGANIZATION Introduction containing the thesis Conclusion Body paragraphs
REVISING Content You may be referring to the overall theme of your writing, the individual points, or the separate features of your writing Organization May refer to the entire work or specific parts such as paragraphs or even sentences Style Your style of dress depending on the situation, purpose, audience, and occasion should also guide the revision of your writing style. Revising means reading and changing with the aim of “improving or correcting.”
REVISION & RHETORICAL CONTEXT Purpose Is the expected accomplishment or goal of your writing Audience Those persons you hope or expect will read your writing are the audience Occasion Describes your motivation, situation, or reason for writing Circumstances make up what you refer to as rhetorical context and guide much of your revision.
How do you know what needs revision? Color-code your draft Make a reverse outline Make notes READ what you have written. PRINT what you have written
How do you know what needs revision? Seek the opinions of others Turn the tables Play one-on-one with your draft. Create a paragraph paper or abstract Cut up your draft.
PEER EDITING WORKSHEET Read for errors Read for variety Read for precision Read for voice Read for consistency Read for clarity Proofread
TEACHING WRITING Paola Álvarez Ezqueda English 6th semester
WHAT IS TEACHING? “When we write we use graphic symbols that is letters or combinations of letters which relate to the sounds we make when we speak.” (Byrne, 1979)
There are three main aspects of writing (PAF) 1. Purpose / Objective: Each text has a purpose. The writer should be clear about it of that writing. 2. Audience / Readers: "Who, is going to read?" Or " For whom am I writing?" has to be made clear 3.Function: Decides the nature of writing.
" T O PLAN " - TO PREPARE ONESELF FOR WRITING. 1) What is my objective of writing? 2) What are the main idea and the supporting ideas? 3) Who is going to read my written text? 4) For which specific function am I writing? 5) Which idea should come first? 6) How should I organize all ideas?
1) Consider the needs of the Learners 2) Make the teaching of writing functional and communicative 3) Expose them to how to write first and then to different types of texts 4) Expose them to functioning of writing as a system of communication 5) Try to plan the tasks which are realistic, functional and communicative. 6) Expose them to the process of writing by actually going through it 7) Motivate them to think and express their ideas. 8) Teach them grammar and vocabulary inclusively in the writing tasks 9) Try to accept their ideas and also compositions Rules teaching writing
“Approaches to Writing” The Controlled to Free Approach The Communicative Approach The process approach The Paragraph Pattern Approach The Grammar- Syntax Organization Approach