Sentence Composing Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes E. Coerr
Chunking to Imitate Model: She made a big crane out of her prettiest paper and sent it across the hall to his room. Chunked: She made a big crane / out of her prettiest paper / and sent it across the hall / to his room. Imitation: Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, Coerr
Unscrambling wheeled her outSadako was feeling for some sunshineespecially tired one day when Nurse Yasunaga when Nurse Yasunga Sadako was feeling wheeled her out onto the especially tired one dayporchfor some out onto the porchsunshine.
Unscrambling – cued with punctuation so that the spiritsThat night Sadako That nightwatched her put a lantern outsidemother put a Sadako watched lantern outside so her motherthat the spirits could find their way could find their in the dark.way in the dark.
Unscrambling to imitate Model: The air was filled with smells of delicious holiday food. List: Imitation: was filled withThe room was filled the roomwith smells of several smellsburning candles. of several burning candles
Unscrambling to imitate: your turn Model: They floated out to sea like a swarm of fireflies against the dark water. List: Imitation: into the night sky They flew against the dark sky like a swarm of lightening bugs
Combining to imitate: Model: They floated out to sea like a swarm of fireflies against the dark water. List: Imitation: They floated out to sea. They looked like a swarm of lightening bugs. They were against the dark water.