Matthew Frers Alerik Wang Isabelle Trainor Jacob Angelozzi BEIGE CECIL CASTELLUCCI
SETTING Present day Throughout one summer Places that Katy visits or speaks about: Montréal, LA and Madrid - which are all obviously real Since the Rat is in a struggling band I assume that they are lower middle class, they speak English but use a lot of slang. There was also a lot of swearing in this book. Katy didn't like LA, the Rat or Lake at first creating a negative atmosphere, this book gave off a dirty, unorganized mood until the very end when you feel the bond between the Rat and Katy strengthen. Katy stayed in the Rats apartment, occasionally visited Lakes jam space and a couple concerts. She described most of these places as dirty, gross and run down.
Katy is forced into the LA punk scene Has to attend multiple gigs and concerts where she does not fit in Meets characters like Lake and Leo that aren't exactly who she expects them to be THE COMPLICATION
Person vs Environment Katy vs the punk rock lifestyle she is thrown into for 2 months and having to deal with how she doesn't fit in THE COMPLICATION
Person vs Person Katy has problems dealing with her dad, Lake and all the people she meets along the way THE COMPLICATION
Person vs Herself Katy struggles to find where she really belongs, fighting with herself about whether or not she actually likes the music and way of life that her dad shows her when she's in LA THE COMPLICATION
Katy Katy = Negative, introvert, depressed, anti-social, shy, germaphobe, clean freak. Pre-judgemental Clean freak Much like any average teenager Misunderstands other people She is ignored quite frequently Makes situations bad for herself MAIN CHARACTERS
The Rat The Rat = Outgoing, junkie, crazy, lively, dirty, lowlife, friendly, insane. Katys father Takes care of Katy under any circumstances Feels like he owes Katy because he wasn’t there for her when she was growing up Loves punk rock music Crazy middle aged drummer MAIN CHARACTERS
Lake Lake = Frustrated, outgoing, insane, energetic, uncleanly, confident. Dirty and uncleanly Not afraid to express herself in any way Attractive individual Loves music Has her own band MAIN CHARACTERS
Sam Suck Why the Rat couldn’t see Katy often, the introducer of drugs for the Rat. Katy’s mom The person Katy knows the most. A reason for Katy not to not like being in L.A. Leo Showing Katy that you can be used and to introduce an emotional side of Katy to the story. Leticia Katy’s best friend and a reason for the days in L.A. to go by slow. OTHER CHARACTERS
Garth Someone who grows on you no matter how annoying you are. Trixie Someone who looked out for Katy while she was in L.A. Vittorio A reason for Katy’s mom to make another big decision without much of Katy’s say. Auggie Needed someone to take care of him, gave Katy something to do in L.A. OTHER CHARACTERS
The Novels Theme PERTINENT PASSAGES “Why are you ignoring me?” This passage describes a big theme in the book Katy is ignored numerous times throughout the entire book Katy is ignored mostly by the people most important to her The book starts off with Katy being ignored by her mom Katy’s mom ignored Katy and prioritized work
The Protagonists Character PERTINENT PASSAGES “I might be evil. Or irresponsible. Or a witch. I might light candles and say spells. I might have the mark of the devil on me. I don’t but I might.” Trixie asks Katy to babysit Auggie Trixie trusts her right away Katy thinks of possible things she could be
The Central Conflict PERTINENT PASSAGES “He could be The Rat. Sort of. If I squint. I am almost relieved. I could maybe hang with this guy for two and a half weeks. Maybe. I start to make my way toward him. But then someone else catches my eye and my heart sinks.”
“I guess I don’t really like music that much” CONNECTIONS Katy said she didn’t really like music. I used to not enjoy music all that much. Katy likes music more as the book goes on. I have started to really enjoy music myself.
“I sit like a zombie on the couch” CONNECTIONS
BACKGROUND INFORMATION Los Angeles is a rock city and everyone likes rock music All the walls are covered in graffiti Los Angeles isn’t at all what people say it to be
Connections FIVE KEY WORDS
“I’ve made up my mind. I’m off to Madrid. But relly, I’m on my way.” This show the protagonist’s positive change in attitude from the beginning to the end. THE WRITER’S STYLE
I didn’t really like the book What made the book enjoyable were the unique characters I would not read another book by the same author I would recommend this book to people who enjoy reading about people complaining CONCLUSION: WAS THIS A GOOD READ?
Setting, Complication, and Conflict (Isabelle Trainor) Illustrator and Character Studies (Matthew Frers) Passages and Connection (Matthew & Jacob) Background Information and Key Words (Jacob Angelozzi) Writer’s Style and Conclusion (Alerik Wang) CREDITS