Proposed Project Overall Park Elements Phase I Project Structures Complying with Airport Land Use Compatibility Density Zoning Lighting Schedule
3 Lit Soccer/Lacrosse Fields - Synthetic Turf 3 Lit Softball/Baseball Fields – Natural Turf Multi-purpose pathway around the park 2 Designated Play Ground Areas BMX course Two concessionaire buildings Restrooms Maintenance Building Perimeter Fence Access Road with Parking Total Park build out is approximately 25 acres
3 Lit Soccer/Lacrosse Fields - Synthetic Turf Multi-purpose pathway around 3 fields Access Road with Parking Perimeter Fence 1 Potential Play Ground Area Approximately 10.5 acres
Phase I Portable Bleachers (42Persons/Bleacher Max) Park Fencing Lighting Playground Assembly Future Phases Maintenance Building Two Concessionaire Buildings Restrooms Portable Bleachers Park Fencing Lighting Playground Assemblies
Zoning Maximum Population Density within Structures Maximum Population Density not in Structures SSZ – Sideline Safety Zone 60 persons/acre120 persons/acre TPZ – Traffic Pattern Zone 150 persons/acreN/A Land Use Compatibility Standards for Airport Safety Zones Per the Sonoma County Airport Land Use Plan (January 2001) Approximately 95% of the park is encompassed within the TPZ with a sliver overlapping into the SSZ. The completed park will sum 25 acres with a potential maximum population of 3,562. Phase I will cover approximately 10.5 acres with a potential maximum population of 1,496.
The Petaluma Municipal Airport Safety Zones Map (11/24/98) PROJECT AREA
The shaded figure is the approximate boundary of East Washington Park.
Musco lighting: The hooded visor, internal reflector system and lamp guard direct the light onto the field and away from the neighborhood and sky. The light poles meet FAA Part 77 Compliance. The FAA has approved the design and location of the light poles submitted through the application process.
The Musco lighting design only produces a minimal amount of spill light above the fixtures therefore the lighting design would not produce any ambient light onto the airport runway.
The Petaluma Municipal Airport Part 77 Airspace Map (2/16/99) Profile shown on next slide
Transitional Zone: Runs perpendicular to the Runway out at a 7:1 slope until it reaches the 150' threshold (approximately 1,050' horizontal distance) East Washington Park runs parallel to the Petaluma Runway and is not affected by Approach Zone surfaces. Elevations shown include the approximate finished park grade, therefore if the runway is 74.3' and the average finished grade of the park is 99.3', you add the 70-80' lightpole and still come under the maximum threshold on the property at it's given location.
Design began in January 2008 CEQA is 90% complete Sonoma County ALUC meeting to be scheduled Design Development Plans are nearly complete Construction Documents for Phase I are underway Estimated date to complete Construction Documents for Phase I is Spring 2009