Rural Fringe Mixed Use District (RFMUD) Introduction for Sending Land Owners COMMUNITY PLANNING PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION JANUARY 6, 2016 Collier County | Florida
Overview and History
Restudy Areas
Historic Goals of RFMUD: 1999 “Final Order”: Protect from restrained growth: Wetlands Protected species Wildlife habitat Direct growth to appropriate locations: Creative Planning Infrastructure proximity Clustering, towns, mixed use, open space
District Map Sending Areas
Parcel Ownership Sending: Private Ownership AcresParcelsOwners Private Owned 16,643 1, Gov’t Owned 24, ___
Sending Land Concepts and Issues
Sending Area Uses Before Final Order: 1 home per 5 acres After 2004 Plan Adoption: 1 home per 40 acres; or 1 home per smaller parcel in existence before 1999 Credits as Compensation
Transfer of Development Rights (TDRs) Credit Types: Base Early Entry Restoration and Maintenance Conveyance
Examples: Sending Parcels Credits based on each 5 acres 5 acre parcel: 1Base Credit; 1 Early Entry Credit; 1 R&M Credit; 1 Conveyance Credit Potential = 4 credits 40 acre parcel: 8 Base Credits; 8 Early Entry Credits; 8 R&M Credits; 8 Conveyance Credits Potential= 8x4 = 32 credits
TDR Currency : Create (“severance” or “bonus”) Buy/Sell/Hold/Resell Redeem at time of Development Order 1 TDR credit allows one additional dwelling in Receiving area Up to density maximum
TDR Credits
Sending Area Ownership
South Belle Meade
North Belle Meade- NRPA
Projected TDR Shortage - under current rules
Economic Viability Credit potentials Density scenarios Pricing
Other Sending Issues Watershed Planning County Watershed Master Plan, 2011 Ad Hoc Advisory Committee Transportation Planning Master Mobility Plan 2012
Current Status of Restudy
Oversight Committee: Scope Public involvement Consistency Sustainability Economic vitality
Process Diagram Project Initiation and Orientation Review Previous Planning Efforts Public Outreach and Economic Analysis Owners, Agencies, and Stakeholder Input Develop Alternatives Review and Improve RFMUD Goals and Uses
Importance of Program to Owners
Rural Fringe Restudy Focus: 1. Economic Viability 2. Protection of Sensitive Areas 3. Smart Development
County Website Main page Comprehensive Planning Division
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Discussion Community Planning Planning & Zoning Division