FNHSO PANORAMA DATA GOVERNANCE FORUM Regular Forum Meeting April 12, 2016
Agenda Roll-call Review of items from last PDGC meeting (Feb 23) Public Health Reporting Data Warehouse (PHRDW) update IHA Panorama ISA Compliance Assessment Results FNHSO Panorama ISA Compliance Process Cowichan Tribes ISA Compliance Assessment Results Roundtable review (i.e. future agenda items; other items; etc.)
Role Call KDC TCHSS WFN Tla’amin OKIB NTC Seabird Saulteau Cowichan Scw’exmx Nazko Pauquachin ITHA Na’kazdli Simpcw Ktunaxa Splatsin Sto:lo FNHA Health Protection Carrier Sekani Family Services Heiltsuk
PHRDW Update Security model has been applied to the CD Data Mart to support authorized RHA users to access a subset of Panorama CD data The same security model will also be applied across other PHRDW Data Marts thereby enabling RHA views/access to other PHRDW datasets A new Public Health Indicators Data Mart will make aggregate-level Indicators of Health data available New Data Marts are being developed that will integrate Panorama data with other data sets (lab data, for instance) and will increase the utility and value of the PHRDW (other examples: Vaccine Preventable Disease data integrated with Vaccine History data, lab data, etc.) Vital Stats data may also be integrated into PHRDW Data Marts Currently, there is no authorized access to First Nation or FNHSO identified data through any of the PHRDW Data Marts
5 PHRDW Architecture 2016
IHA ISA Compliance Assessment Refer to slides from March PDGC meeting
Panorama Information Sharing Agreement Compliance Assessment March 22, 2016 Givonna DeBruin, Corporate Director, Internal Audit
Background Purpose to measure Interior Health’s (IH) compliance with the Information Sharing Agreement and Data Governance Framework as part of the implementation of the Panorama system. Top Risks: 1.Privacy or security breaches occur and are not identified or addressed on a timely basis. 2.Information in the Panorama database is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. 3.Staff have access to patient information that is not required for their job. 8
Background Audit requested by the Office of the Information Privacy Commissioner “Audit” – What does that Mean? – Systematic examination and assessment – Independent mindset and validation 9
Background IH piloted the audit tool to be used by other health authorities to measure compliance of this system containing significant patient data. Tool Development – Key components from Agreement – Developed and Piloted tool to guide assessment Tool findings provide valuable information and guidance to assist with strengthening maturity. 10
Findings at IH of the 18 data governance requirements fully met Most other requirements partially met Demonstrates a good level of maturity Requirements that are fully met include: Principle Data Steward responsibility Whistleblower policy and program Foreign access restrictions Foreign information demands Breach management policy Security Threat Risk and Privacy Impact Assessments User Privacy obligations acceptance Clients’ information use notification Data use for internal research Data use for program evaluation or surveillance (3 aspects: self, multiple party, foreign) Client’s access to own information
Findings at IH 5 requirements not fully met, comprise 3 main themes. – Risk Assessment and Audit — Privacy and Security Audits are not conducted on a regular basis as required, rather only completed when a breach is suspected or reported. – Evidence Retention — Evidence to support compliance with the Agreement has not been consistently retained for all items in all areas. – Periodic Awareness and Acknowledgement — Panorama specific user awareness training and Acceptable Use Acknowledgements currently are only completed at onset of use of the application and does not include an annual re- acknowledgement/training process. 12
Lessons Learned Self-assessment by management – Increases engagement – Tool familiarity Independent assurance added – Objective validation Overall increase in knowledge and understanding of ISA requirements 13
Ts’ewulhtun Health Centre ISA Compliance Assessment Refer to Ts’ewulhtun Health Centre Panorama Information Sharing Agreement Compliance Assessment PowerPoint presentation
Roundtable Questions? Request for agenda items to be included in next meeting?