SHOPS is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Abt Associates leads the project in collaboration with Banyan Global Jhpiego Marie Stopes.


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Presentation transcript:

SHOPS is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Abt Associates leads the project in collaboration with Banyan Global Jhpiego Marie Stopes International Monitor Group O’Hanlon Health Consulting mHealth in West Africa: Recommendations Pamela Riley, Abt Associates Accra, Ghana May 20, 2014

Why PPPs? mHealth is inherently cross-sector Partnerships offer Diverse but coordinated perspectives Shared indicators to measure success Stronger foundation for investments

Complementary skills and assets Health Project Mobile Partner Gov’t Agencies Stewardship Imprimatur Enabling Policies Health Priorities User Needs Outreach Research Training Skills Connectivity, Distribution, Marketing, Billing

Pathways to partnerships: 1. Create a mHealth Working Group BENEFITS Fosters dialogue, reduces duplication Invigorates leadership Identifies partner opportunities HOW MOH stewardship critical Milestones needed for accountability Informal structure can broaden participation

Pathways to partnerships: 2. Engage with regulatory bodies Levies on mobile operators create special “universal service funds” for rural coverage Many of these funds have not been disbursed Explore use for expanding broadband capacity, providing services and training “We could facilitate a roundtable and negotiations to organize a mechanism for funding mhealth.” AMRTP staff, Mali.

Pathways to partnership: 3. Connect to the global mhealth community mHELP

PPP Opportunity: 1.Establish alliance with a regional mobile operator WHY Aggregates demand and scale Test bed to experiment Incentives for mobile operator investment Differentiation Brand enhancement HOW MOH and health partners identify mhealth use case Conduct outreach, issue RFP, short list operators with interest Develop MOU with concrete contributions, commitments and benefits Oversight of strategy, structure by WAHO, regional health partners

Sample alliance structure LEAD Partners Government Agencies COORDINATING Partners ICT NGOs MOBILE NETWORK Partners Connectivity, Billing, Marketing CONVENING Partners WAHO/USAID Missions IMPLEMENTING Partners Mobile VAS firms Content developers FUNDING Partners Corporate sponsors Donor projects RESEARCH Partners Universities Multilateral organizations PROMOTIONAL Partners Health NGOs Media

PPP opportunity: 2. Initiate a mobile money partnership WHY Mobile money providers are seeking distribution channels to reach the “unbanked” Beneficiaries need savings, credit, insurance + health information, services HOW Pilot “mobile wallets” linked to health information and products Seek microfinance partners to tap savings groups as health ambassadors Sustainable mobile applications must bridge social needs and commercial realities

Illustrative example Targets rural women entrepreneurs Togo, Cote d’Ivoire, Benin, soon Niger Provides loans, training as sales agents Encourages savings with loyalty schemes tied to social activities Possible health applications Incorporate health messages Provide bonuses linked to health commodities Conduct outreach for FP and HIV services among members

PPP opportunity: 3. Establish a closed user group (CUG) CUGs pay no/low rate within the group Ghana MDNet 2008 led the way Connecting health professionals Extends reach of scarce specialists Advice for cases Cost considerations Maintaining directory of members Designing process for adding new cadres Dynamic market requires rate plan adjustments

Value proposition for CUGs Benefits to health system Encourages referrals Emergency calls free Builds cohesion for private sector Channel for group communications Benefits to mobile operator Full retail rates for calls to friends, family SIM card loyalty Platform to market new services Shared marketing costs Potential for scalable regional platform across operators

PPP opportunity: 4. Create a regional French-language mhealth repository PACTE-VIH and AGIR-PF objectives Fill need for information on culturally sensitive topics Services that are accurate, private, nonjudgmental, accessible Create a shared digital database Voice, data, SMS content on healthy living topics French training manuals, mobile apps, source codes. Tap expertise of WA-based community empowerment organizations RAES, OneWorld, IICD, Tostan, SISAfrique

Attributes of a regional S/RH mobile repository WHY Leverages limited funds for marketing Addresses similar topics Reduces duplication of efforts in training, content vetting Serve as evidence base of francophone research HOW WAHO led Attract corporate sponsors based on broad reach Local partners will adapt for local needs, myths, and languages Business staff to negotiate with mobile operators Regional PPP will facilitate sharing of best practices to country initiatives

Conclusion Partnerships are complex, require resources for coalition building, partner communications But essential for commitments and accountability Regional mhealth partnerships can provide an organizing mechanism for donor coordination Reference model Ouagadougou Partnership for Family Planning WAHO leadership and support limits MOH duplication of efforts, preserves resources Knowledge dissemination and advocacy

SHOPS is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Abt Associates leads the project in collaboration with Banyan Global Jhpiego Marie Stopes International Monitor Group O’Hanlon Health Consulting Thank you Pamela Riley Pamela