Unit 301 Adults and young people as Essential Skills learners session 2
Objectives of the session Define the nature and scope of essential skills Identify the scale of need in Wales Summarise the barriers to essential skills learning that adults and young people may experience.
Activity: listening and summarising Make notes from the following short presentation Ensure you capture the important points
The scope of Essential Skills Communication = Literacy ESOL – Speaking and listening – Writing – Reading Application of Number = Numeracy ICT – Understand numerical data – Carry out calculations – Interpret results and present findings
The Scale of Need National Survey of Adult Skills in Wales, 2010, Statistical Directorate, Welsh Government
Who are the non-participants? People with no/few education qualifications People with basic education needs Low income groups People in unskilled or semi-skilled manual occupations Ethnic, minority groups Older people Women with young children People with mental/physical disability People living in rural areas 6
Review Activity: listening and summarising Compare notes with a partner Which set of notes are the most efficient summary Skills often overlap – a listening activity often involves a writing act; summarising is not just a written skill, it inevitably involves either listening or reading. Instructions need to be clear – 'note the important points' – what does that mean? 7
Activity You will be given a selection of reports and some evaluation sheets Work in small groups to complete evaluations For some sections of the evaluation you will need to skim and scan the reports. For others you will need to read a short extract in detail. 8
Activity What barriers might impede your attendance and/or learning? Note each new barrier on a separate post-it note and add it to your wall 9
Barriers to Participation Situational barriers: outside responsibilities, limited time, cost Institutional barriers: admission and registration procedures, scheduling, course offerings Dispositional barriers: low self-esteem, low motivation, fear of failure. 10
Objectives of the session Achieved? Define the nature and scope of essential skills Identify the scale of need in Wales Summarise the barriers to essential skills learning that adults and young people may experience.
Analyse different factors that motivate adults and young people to want to return to or continue learning. Homework – one of next week's objectives will be: Find out from some of your learners what has motivated them to study their current course