Stewardship Kaleidoscope Conference March 12, 2013 Stewardship Kaleidoscope Conference March 12, 2013
Gratitude and Generosity Example: Sally and Bill in Atlanta Two Sides of the same coin Money is a subplot for Christian Stewardship Gratitude and Generosity Example: Sally and Bill in Atlanta Two Sides of the same coin Money is a subplot for Christian Stewardship
Three Main Biblical Texts (Walter Brueggeman) Genesis 1 – Primal liturgy of abundance It is very, very good Psalm 104 – Psalmists version of liturgy of extravagance Gospel – life, ministry, death of Jesus - feeding of the 5000 Three Main Biblical Texts (Walter Brueggeman) Genesis 1 – Primal liturgy of abundance It is very, very good Psalm 104 – Psalmists version of liturgy of extravagance Gospel – life, ministry, death of Jesus - feeding of the 5000
God Gets Drowned Out by a Parsimonious liturgy of scarcity Greed instead of gratitude Anxiety instead of adoration Doug Oldenburg Culture Story vs. Faith Story Money Story vs. Gospel Story Consumerism vs. Christ God Gets Drowned Out by a Parsimonious liturgy of scarcity Greed instead of gratitude Anxiety instead of adoration Doug Oldenburg Culture Story vs. Faith Story Money Story vs. Gospel Story Consumerism vs. Christ
Money as Mammon Money as a Secular Idol Jesus: You cannot serve both God and mammon… (Matthew 19:24) Mammon means “piles of wealth” or simply “Stuff” Katie’s Story – “Daddy, I want more!” Money as Mammon Money as a Secular Idol Jesus: You cannot serve both God and mammon… (Matthew 19:24) Mammon means “piles of wealth” or simply “Stuff” Katie’s Story – “Daddy, I want more!”
Money Story – Mammon Story is the basis of Capitalism TV Advertising, electronic upgrades, bankruptcy College Students – 75% say main reason to go college is to get rich MOTTO: MORE is ALWAYS BETTER – “Affluenza” Money Story – Mammon Story is the basis of Capitalism TV Advertising, electronic upgrades, bankruptcy College Students – 75% say main reason to go college is to get rich MOTTO: MORE is ALWAYS BETTER – “Affluenza”
Affluenza – disease, narcotic Idolatry More than guilt, affluenza brings sadness Rich young ruler - life is not very, very good but very, very sad Affluenza – disease, narcotic Idolatry More than guilt, affluenza brings sadness Rich young ruler - life is not very, very good but very, very sad
Money As Manna Money as a Spiritual Gift The Exodus Story, the Eucharist Story, The Enough Story Israelites whining in the wilderness - It’s not enough and we want more! The miracle of Manna – “What is it?” Money As Manna Money as a Spiritual Gift The Exodus Story, the Eucharist Story, The Enough Story Israelites whining in the wilderness - It’s not enough and we want more! The miracle of Manna – “What is it?”
God provides (remember the liturgy of abundance?) Just enough for what they needed Give us this day our daily bread We are called to trust this spiritual grace Just enough for us – so that there is enough for everybody God provides (remember the liturgy of abundance?) Just enough for what they needed Give us this day our daily bread We are called to trust this spiritual grace Just enough for us – so that there is enough for everybody
Money is Modern Form of Manna Money can be sacramental Symbol of God’s grace MOTTO: What We Have Is Enough Story – Jewish/Christian practices Money is Modern Form of Manna Money can be sacramental Symbol of God’s grace MOTTO: What We Have Is Enough Story – Jewish/Christian practices
How Do We Get From Mammon Story to Manna Story? Five Disciplines / Values 1) Gratitude 2) Integrity 3) Flexibility 4) Joy 5) Passion How Do We Get From Mammon Story to Manna Story? Five Disciplines / Values 1) Gratitude 2) Integrity 3) Flexibility 4) Joy 5) Passion
Gratitude Meister Eckhart: If they only prayer we ever pray is “Thank You” - it is enough Herb’s Story: When we start with God’s goodness and grace, gratitude becomes our life story Gratitude Meister Eckhart: If they only prayer we ever pray is “Thank You” - it is enough Herb’s Story: When we start with God’s goodness and grace, gratitude becomes our life story
Integrity Do our lives reflect our faith statements? checkbooks, stuff, generosity what do our children see? Younger generations crave AUTHENTICITY Practicing what we preach – taking risks Integrity Do our lives reflect our faith statements? checkbooks, stuff, generosity what do our children see? Younger generations crave AUTHENTICITY Practicing what we preach – taking risks
Flexibility Generational Theory E ncouraging Generosity in Difficult Times by Karl Travis Civic and Silent (ages 70 and older) institutional loyalty, sacrifice, communal Baby Boomer and Gen Xers (ages 35 to 70) individualistic, distrust institutions seduced by materialistic culture Flexibility Generational Theory E ncouraging Generosity in Difficult Times by Karl Travis Civic and Silent (ages 70 and older) institutional loyalty, sacrifice, communal Baby Boomer and Gen Xers (ages 35 to 70) individualistic, distrust institutions seduced by materialistic culture
Flexibility (cont’d) Millennials (ages 11-34) – Good News! Community minded – new Civics 93% gave to non-profits in % volunteered 58% prefer to give online Flexibility (cont’d) Millennials (ages 11-34) – Good News! Community minded – new Civics 93% gave to non-profits in % volunteered 58% prefer to give online
Flexibility (cont’d) Millennials (ages 11-34) – Good News! Need flexibility in how we create community and interpret stewardships Put relationships before rules Place budgets and buildings in service for delight and discipleship OR ELSE! Flexibility (cont’d) Millennials (ages 11-34) – Good News! Need flexibility in how we create community and interpret stewardships Put relationships before rules Place budgets and buildings in service for delight and discipleship OR ELSE!
JOY “Happiness” connected to stuff and power and security “Joy” deeper, wilder, more resonant reality abiding in utterably dependable grace of God even pain of joy can be a blessing give and give and give until it feels very, very good JOY “Happiness” connected to stuff and power and security “Joy” deeper, wilder, more resonant reality abiding in utterably dependable grace of God even pain of joy can be a blessing give and give and give until it feels very, very good
Passion Passion of Jesus is his whole life death is end, but not meaning of his earthly life Younger generations yearning to see passion in the church Passion Passion of Jesus is his whole life death is end, but not meaning of his earthly life Younger generations yearning to see passion in the church
Walter Brueggemann Are We willing to witness to the Miracle of Manna amidst the crass materialism of Mammon’s world? Walter Brueggemann Are We willing to witness to the Miracle of Manna amidst the crass materialism of Mammon’s world?
Psalm 103 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget God’s benefits… Who satisfies you with good as long as you live… The steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting… Bless the Lord, O my soul! Psalm 103 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget God’s benefits… Who satisfies you with good as long as you live… The steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting… Bless the Lord, O my soul!