Second Grade Curriculum Night
EnVision Math Curriculum Each lesson has a math mat to go along with the lesson. The front side is done together in class and uses manipulatives. The inside involves guided and independent practice. After each topic the children will be given a math test. Each topic varies in length. Students will complete a study guide in class. Use this guide to review for the test.
EnVision Math Curriculum Addition and subtraction strategies Working with equal groups Place value Mental addition and subtraction Adding and subtracting two-digit numbers Adding and subtracting three-digit numbers Geometry Money Measurement Time
Math Fluency Math fact fluency is the ability to recall the answers to basic math facts automatically and without hesitation. Fact strategies will be taught through EnVision lessons. Classroom practice, homework, and formal assessments will be used to identify student’s successes.
Classroom Fluency Practice Classroom fluency practice will occur for 10 minutes daily. Students will create flashcards for each strategy taught. Flashcards will be practiced with partner. Games reinforce fluency and will be played in the classroom with partners.
Fluency Homework Students will be assigned fluency homework on the first day of the week and it will be due on Fridays of the same week. Fluency homework will include math facts. Students are to complete the facts without being timed.
Fluency Assessments Pre-tests will be given based on the strategy. Students who struggle on the pre-test will be given flashcards to practice at home. Practice the flashcards daily. A quiz will be given on the last day of the strategy and taken as a grade.
Reading Curriculum Your child will use the Macmillan/McGraw Hill Treasures Reading Series. All six units will be covered this year. A genre discussion will be discussed weekly. Graphic organizers will be used to reinforce the weekly comprehension skill and strategy. Lessons include: Phonetic skills Comprehension strategy and skill Vocabulary words Grammar component
Reading Assessment The reading assessment will assess the skills learned each week. Skills tested: Vocabulary Grammar Comprehension strategy Phonics Writing skills (written response)
Science and Social Studies Community workers Goods and services Map Skills States of Matter U.S. Symbols Veterans Day Pilgrims Martin Luther King Presidents Christmas around the world Habitats Planets Matter Scientific Method Landforms Recycling/ Earth Day Plant life cycles
Handwriting Children will review manuscript letters. Students will learn all upper and lower case cursive letters. Students will become familiar with reading cursive handwriting.
Writing Students will conduct writing activities daily. Students will learn many types of writing including personal narratives, opinion writing, persuasive, and expository. New Common Core State Standards require more writing across all subject areas for our students.
Spelling Each week we will have 10 new words and 2 review words from the previous week. After each spelling test, I will give an optional pretest for the words for the following week. Any student who gets 100% on the pretest will be given a challenge list of 15 harder words. These students will be given workbook pages to practice their words throughout the week.
Homework Math homework Fluency homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday. Students are also assigned math practice twice a week on Wednesday and Thursday. Reading homework Students need to read assigned Treasures stories twice each a week. Please sign the bookmark after your child has read the story. Students need to log 90 minutes of reading a week and return that each Monday. Spelling Students need to study for test on Friday.
Red Folder Please check this folder nightly. Classwork, notes and other important information will be sent home in the folder. If you are sending a note to school please let your child know you are putting a note in their folder so they can remember to give it to their teacher. Also please write 2D on all notes.
Rainbow Behavior System All students start the day on green. Students will move up and down the rainbow according to their behavior for the day. All rainbow calendars will be in the students red folders. If a student moves to red the parent will be notified by a phone call. Please sign the behavior chart on Fridays and have your student return them on Monday.
Birthday Treats At Wilson Creek we love to celebrate birthdays. Pencils, stickers, etc are preferred over snacks. If you choose to send a food item in make sure all food items are store bought and all ingredients are listed on package.
Thank you for your continued support and being a partner in your child’s education!