Preparing Responsible Individuals Dedicated to Excellence Clay Elementary---First Grade Skills Agenda Language Arts: Read and write words with Long i: i_e and plurals. Use present-tense and past-tense verbs (action words). Identify story parts: narrator, character, setting, and plot. Reading: Read Time to Plant! in RWW. Read The Big Yuca Plant in LA. ( Study- --Primer Words Sheet) High-Frequency Words: PLEASE MAKE FLASHCARDS! green, grow, pretty, should, together, water Words for Discussion: bloom, sprout, grasped, assist, spied Math: Count/write to 120. Solve addition and subtraction problems to 20. Sort objects according to attributes. Determine how a group of objects has been sorted. Collect and represent data. Use and interpret graphs to find information. Social Studies/Science: Read How Plants Grow in LA. Spelling Words: like, spike, bike, ride, hide, mine, make, came, water, should
Phonics Focus: Silent e i_e words Spelling Words High Frequency Words Words for Extra Practice likespike ridehide bikemine water pretty shouldgreen green grow pretty should together water pinepilemilelikeliferipe vineshinesmilewhiledimeyikes bitbiteridridekitkite takeskateslidetrashthingdrive dinefivehidehidlimemine pipequiteripevineinsidepiles ridesbikessidessmileslives dimes gatesbitesskatesspikescakes sunshine Math – Use flashcards to practice math facts with sums to 10 and subtraction facts up to 10. Use 6 to 10 counters and have your child teach you how to play, “How Many am I Hiding.” Practice counting by 2’s. Write to 120. Paper copy in binder.